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91 All-Out Fight for Perseverance Two Types...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Rui Rui, Brother Jing, where are you children going home for dinner"

Since entering Qinghe Fort, Yu Hui arranged for her aunt and them.

Because the men had to defend the city, my aunt chose to settle under the inner wall of the west side of the city, along with the family members of Kawada Juntun.

Although everyone lives in a temporary shack, fortunately, it is not cold at the moment, and they are surrounded by their own people, so it is safe to live.

What's more, under such conditions, the pit king can be better hidden, after all, no one would have thought that the noble pit king would live in such a place, and now he is still defending the city and fighting, no one can think of the pit king.

Since Yu Hui and Du Yuchen cooperated in food, the supply of the four housing points in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the city has been good, at least it is no longer thin porridge, in addition to thick porridge and rice, each person can also get a mixed noodles nest every day, and those who work hard can work more and get more.

Of course, this is for outsiders, their own food is different, Yu Hui admitted, she is a selfish goods, she opens a small stove for her family every day, of course, the shack is not confidential, and she does not dare to go too far.

In the evening, Yu Guyu came back from dinner in the room, separated from Aunt Luo and entered his own shack, and secretly took two of the white-flour steamed buns that his niece brought back yesterday and put them on the simple table, and then he leaned out of the shack and shouted at the intersection.

Du Xinrui, who was playing with Luo Tongsuo and them, hurriedly got up when she heard the call of her mother, patted her little hands, patted her little buttocks, waved goodbye to Luo Tongsuo, and they were ready to go home.

Seeing the person squatting in the corner of the wall not far away, looking at him with a gloomy face like a mushroom, Du Xinrui didn't want to deal with it, but thinking of her cousin's advice to the bad big brother, the young Du Xinrui paused, sighed long, and walked over resignedly.

"Alas, hypocrisy, my mother called our house to eat, you don't leave"

Zhou Chengjing made a wooden face, looked at the stinky feet that had just finished doing evil and couldn't even have time to take them back, raised his head and bared his teeth at Du Xinrui, and patted the place where he was kicked just now and glared at him viciously.

"You stinky girl, scold me for being a hypocrisy in the future, be careful of Ben" "This girl is not afraid of you"

Du Xinrui just can't get used to this guy, if it weren't for her sister's life, she would want to take her friends to beat this girl every day.

"Hmph, anyway, there are so many meals, anyway, my mother has already called you to eat, if you don't go back and don't eat, my aunt and grandmother will finish eating for you, and I won't leave you a grain of rice, hum"

Du Xinrui is not used to this hypocrisy, so she finished her cruel words viciously, crossed her waist with her hands, turned around and left with her head held high.

Looking at someone's invincible, angry back, Zhou Chengjing was angry and aggrieved, thinking of him as the dignified Prince of Wuzhu, He Zeng

gurgled There was a protest in his

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now