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90 Comprehensively Launched the Battle of Perseverance Second Qing...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

The battle was scorching, seeing the castle tower almost breached again and again and again fortunately defended again, seeing the night turn into day and the sun and moon changed, and finally, on the third day of the defense of the city, the city was defended and the enemy retreated.

On the city wall, Du Yuchen looked at the downstairs of the city, the enemy army Mingjin collected his troops, set up camp, and no longer assembled to attack, which made everyone in the city breathe a sigh of relief, but without waiting for a breath of relief, Du Yuchen and they found that the enemy army was actually stinky and shameless when they were trapped, and openly sent troops to start harvesting their crops outside the city.

Seeing this, everyone in the city knew that the damn Gao Gouzi had made a plan to besiege them without attacking them after a long time of attack, and wanted to consume them to death in Qinghe Fort.

"Lord Du, how can the current situation be good, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in my city, if the high dogs have been besieging and not attacking, they have grain and grass support outside, we can do it inside"

At this time, although it is autumn, the crops in the field have not been completely harvested, the autumn harvest has just begun, and the grain below has not been collected and put into the warehouse at all.

They are trapped in the city, the time is short, and they can still support it, if the time is long, the people in this city will not starve to death

Obviously, although the hundred households did not finish speaking, everyone present knew the meaning of his unfinished words, and everyone looked at the gate of the city in all directions, and the dense camp tents of the enemy army could not help but sigh.

"Alas, I don't know what the situation is on Sun Baihu's side, whether he has succeeded in breaking through, and when will the reinforcements arrive", can

you still sigh in his

ear, Du Yuchen listened to it in his heart, knowing that it was not a way to go on like this, he hurriedly interrupted all the people who were in a low mood, and said comfortingly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's useless to think so much now, if even we ourselves are disheartened, the morale of the Qinghe will be low, once the morale is gone, and the high dogs outside come to attack the city again, we are afraid that we will no longer be able to resist. Ladies and gentlemen, for the sake of today's plan, everyone should support and trust each other, so that the whole Qinghe can unite as one.

That's what he said, "But grain and grass"

"Grain and grass", Du Yuchen bit these two words and couldn't help but look in the direction of the city, he pondered for a moment and then looked up at the people around him, "I know that your comrades are worried in their hearts, and they are very always thunderous means, and I have a strategy." The

soldiers bowed their hands, "but according to the orders of the lord."

"Very good, Huang Baihu, you lead a team of soldiers to enter the city immediately, register the number of people in the city one by one, and record the population without food one by one, and you can't omit it."


"Qi 100 households, you lead a team of people and horses, and collect and count the grain stored in the lower city in a unified manner, whether it is the government government and the Taicang, or the military officials who close the position, or even the treasury of the county government and the military, all of them are uniformly registered and dispatched."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now