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Chapter 22 Chapter 22

Text: Chapter 22, Chapter 22

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Lu Liu and Granny Zhang were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at the people not far from them, who were lying in the corner like mud, and the two couldn't help but be indignant.

Especially Green Willow, with her stinky temper, she can endure a sharp mouth and start to counterattack, and she is also yin and yang.

"Bah, who should I be the boss on the side, saying cool words, the relationship turned out to be to change the prince with the civet cat with the master, loyal and loyal, but like a dead dog dragged by the military master Du Mama, hahahaha"

This is in the middle of Mama Du's death hole, and Mama Du, who was beaten by the military master and human teeth yesterday, almost wanted to vomit blood.

Mama Du doesn't know where the strength comes from, or Mama Du, who has been held by the maid and servant woman since returning to the light, doesn't accept her fate now.

Seeing the who saw herself in the past, she was like a dog crawling on the ground, and she dared to contradict herself, and Mama Du, who didn't accept her fate, was angry, and she pounced towards the green willow with her teeth and claws, and shouted viciously in her mouth.

"Cheap hooves, see if I don't tear your stinky mouth"

Green willow is not easy to mess with, people are not even afraid of the master of the cousin, how can they be afraid of an old pious woman who has the same status as himself and can't get up if she is still injured.

Without saying a word, Green Willow also pounced on it and started fighting, "Well, you old pious woman is so rampant, you still think it was when you were in the mansion in the past, what about it, we Zhang Sanyi said Li Si, dare to do it with me, I will fight with you"

On the side, Mrs. Zhang saw the green willow who was fighting with Mama Du, thinking about a yard errand in the past, In the days when they supported each other in Yuheng Academy, Grandma Zhang started without saying a word and helped Luliu to do it together.

Well, it's up here, and the whole house is in chaos.

Some maids and servants looked at the fight in front of them in a daze, and they didn't know what to do;

Some people live with themselves, and then think of the wealth and wealth of the past, and they can't help but feel sad from their hearts, muttering what is the pain, while mourning their relatives, and being lonely;

Just when the house was in chaos, suddenly, the door slammed and someone kicked it open from the outside.

Everyone in the room subconsciously looked up, and through the gradually brightening sky outside, they saw the people who came, and all of them couldn't help but shrink their bodies violently, wanting to dodge on their hind legs as much as possible, but unfortunately, how could the people who came allow them to dodge


five or three sturdy human teeth like men, with a mean face, shook the whip in their hands ruthlessly, crackling, whipping to the flesh.

"Bah, a group of cheap hooves are not good to wait for their share to be picked, one by one is strong and noisy, I am not afraid to tell you, if you wait a few more days, if you can't sell it again, don't blame the old lady for being ruthless, sell you cheap hooves, old pious women, all sell the pickled place, so that you call the heavens and the earth not spiritual"

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now