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Text Chapter 48 Chapter 48

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Oh, you little girl, do you know what kind of place this is, hurry up and roll down the city wall for Lao Tzu, this place is dangerous, not a place for you to play"

Yu Hui was looking at the fading battle situation outside from the lookout, and was looking at it in a daze, ready to wait for the opportunity to move, and there was a stern reprimand behind him.

Yu Hui secretly screamed badly, swept his eyes at a team of sergeants who hurriedly ran in his direction, Yu Hui didn't say a word, immediately made a decision, and at the same time that a runner ran up to the lookout, the creeper in his hand threw out, and the ability continued to be triggered, a sharp surrounding, The fast-growing creeper surrounded the raised wall bricks of the lookout, Yu Hui jumped up, and jumped down the city wall with the creeper.

Seeing this, the sergeant who came in a hurry turned pale with fright, and the leader subconsciously stretched out his hand and shouted: "Dangerous little girl, come back quickly"

and what answered him was Yu Hui's incomparably dashing jumping over the wall, They could only watch the little girl, grab the green long whip thrown out of her hand with one hand, and jump off the city wall with one body.

The shouts on the city wall were connected in an instant, but Yu Hui, who flew down the city wall, didn't care about these.

Before his feet landed, a few stray arrows flew in front of him, Yu Hui kicked and kicked on the city wall behind him, a few flashes, and resolutely avoided them. At the same time as the feet landed, the arm of the creeper was raised and shaken, and the sergeant who was lying on the lookout on the city tower and shouted anxiously found that the vines fixed in the bulge were quickly retracted between the little girl's shake and flick under the city wall, and the little girl quickly rolled on a donkey and avoided an arrow. The small body was confined to the base of the wall, and there was no danger to his life for the time being.

Seeing this, the nervous people on the city wall breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and the little general who was still running just now hurriedly shouted to a team of archers behind him: "Shoot, cover, cover"

Suddenly, the arrows on the city tower were shot out, and Yu Hui, who was observing below, won the time gate to move.

The young general led by took the opportunity to stretch out half of his body out of the lookout, and while he was annoyed that this little girl who appeared inexplicably came from, he secretly scolded the girl and the baby's family for causing trouble, but he still shouted calmly to the bottom of his face.

"Little girl, you bastard road hurry up for Lao Tzu, just use your whip to throw it up, Lao Tzu pulls you up"

It's not that these sergeants can't bear it, it's just that in their eyes, fighting is a matter for the old man, and the most that the women's family can do is to preside over the logistics work in the rear, why are you coming to the front line of the battlefield, isn't it a mess.

However, Yu Hui, who was bent on coming out to save her life, how could she listen to the words of the group of soldiers above, and hear the shouts on the city tower, she was already cowering behind the corpses, and she raised her head and shook her hand at the soldiers shouting on the city tower.

Seeing that she was intact and in the mood to greet them, the soldiers on the city tower were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but before they could finish this breath, they were stunned to see that the little girl hidden behind the pile of corpses rushed out like a fragmented arrow, rushed, rushed out "I'm, that girl ran out

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now