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ext Chapter 46 Chapter 46

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It's so cold in the far north, and it's icy.

In the early morning of this day, at the foot of Kawada Juntun Mountain, a small figure suddenly flashed in the newly renovated courtyard of a building against the mountain.

The figure moved flexibly, tiptoed out of the house, dodged out of the yard, quickly closed the door of the half-man-high fence courtyard wall, turned around and ran to the hill behind him.

"Huh, Huh can be regarded as sending this old and young away." Thinking of her little cousin who was about to follow her out with tears in her eyes, Yu Hui became numb, and her steps couldn't help but speed up more and more.

It turns out that this figure is Yu Hui, who picked up her uncle's house yesterday, In order to collect firewood, is fighting wits and courage

with her family

Yu Hui thought simply, It is inconvenient to take my aunt and little cousin out on this cold day, rather than let them suffer together, It is better to go up the mountain by yourself, there is space to help the ability to go to the bottom, She will not get lost, Just pick up a little firewood is enough to burn at home for a long time, What are you going to do with them, you don't have to be offended.

As for my uncle and others, he still has a lot of frostbite on his body, It is better to stay at home and take care of it, and by the way, I know everyone in Xiaoqi, I am familiar with it, and by the way, I thank others for their help to my family in the past few days, isn't

it fragrant

For this reason, she is coaxing people with all her might, and it is not easy to find out the door.

Yu Hui didn't waste time, she ran up the mountain when she went out, in order to prevent danger, she wanted to get the radish in the space to accompany herself, and by the way, she could also put a sentry for herself, and she would get an extra harvest or something, but unfortunately, as soon as this goods came out, she was frozen outside, and she wanted to go back to the space and not be a frozen radish.

Yu Hui was speechless, so she had to throw the crying guy back into the space, patted the creeper vine on her wrist and sighed, "Little vine vine is still good to you, accompany my sister to pick up firewood, and go back to my sister to give you the ability to eat." The

little creeper stuck to Yu Hui's face, one person and one plant, and before he knew it, Yu Hui walked into the mountain.

The mountain is covered with heavy snow, the firewood is not old or young, and there is no need to cut down, only those dead trees are enough, Yu Hui opened without saying a word, and when he was working hard, there was a strange movement behind him, like something sweeping the snow, the sound of snowflakes falling, and like the sound of something stepping on the snow and approaching quickly.

"Who, who's there"

Yu Hui's brain exploded, and she said that she would not be unlucky to meet Xiong Da Xiong Er


scalp was numb, and Yu Hui still put on a defensive posture for the first time, and the creeper vines in his hands were also thrown out by Yu Hui. Silently urging a defensive trap on the snow, one person and one plant held their breath and waited for the battle.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now