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ext Chapter 77 Qin sent to the three thieves to steal the poor rice...

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Hearing her daughter's chirping shout, Yu Guyu, who was restless in the house because of the big event in the tunzi, hurriedly packed up her mood, put down her worries, and hurriedly greeted her.

She thought that her little leather monkey was eager to shout at her mother, and she must have done bad things again, such as beating someone else's baby in the military camp again, and the parents led the baby to grab her, and came to the door to ask for justice.

Thinking of her daughter's various evil deeds in recent years, Yu Guyu couldn't help but speed up her pace, how to clean up the mess for the little bastard, and how to clean up this lawless little broken child with a headache.

As a result, when he went out, Yu Guyu saw at a glance that his intact daughter was licking a string of red and bright sugar gourds in her mouth, and there were no crying children around, let alone parents who complained.

Before she could ask questions suspiciously, outside the courtyard door that had just been pushed open by the little broken child, A person came in immediately, and someone called someone when they came in.


Seeing the person coming, Yu Guyu smiled, and the sternness and worry instantly turned into gentleness and love, and he couldn't care about his own little broken child in the yard, and greeted him with a smile.

"It turned out to be Chen'er, how did you get a good boy from an empty house today, hurry, come into the house, hurry"

While greeting him warmly, Yu Guyu looked Du Yuchen's people up and down, Seeing that he was in good condition, Yu Guyu felt a little relieved, but the concern in his mouth did not fall.

"Chen'er, you've been in the vanguard a few days ago, and I asked her about your situation, the little girl told me that you went to patrol the border, how about you weren't injured, everything is fine"

Du Yuchen, who led the horse into the courtyard, was familiar with the way to lead the horse to the clean livestock shed on the side of the courtyard, and didn't see the familiar mule, Du Yuchen still wondered, Facing the concerned elders who followed him step by step, Du Yuchen suppressed his doubts and replied respectfully.

"Don't worry, Auntie, everything is fine, and I'm not hurt."

"Okay, it's good if you're not injured, it's good that everything is fine"

Since she reached this extreme northern border, her requirements are getting lower and lower, as long as her family is well, she has nothing else to ask for.

"By the way, Chen'er, you haven't come all the way to eat, presumably you haven't eaten yet, let's go, hurry back to the house with my uncle, and my aunt will make you stutter" "

Uncle, don't be busy, I'm not hungry."

"It's not good if you're not hungry, it's said that half the size eats the poor man, you have a good appetite right now, don't be hungry, go, go back to the house, my aunt cooks quickly."

After being betrayed by the closest and most trusted person, Du Yuchen easily stopped trusting people, and easily refused to accept the kindness of others, even if Yu Guyu and Du Yaoze were his uncles and aunts, he just adhered to his usual polite alienation.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now