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Body 80. Chapter 80 True and False Xiangrui <> Dog things are good...

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That night, Yang Zhaoxian, who couldn't sleep, finally got the news of his subordinates, knowing that everything was ready in Zhuangzi, Yang Zhaoxian smiled, tossed and turned, and got up early the next morning to invite Dongfeng.

Yang Zhaoxian couldn't wait to come to the backyard to invite Dongfeng, oh no, it's time to say goodbye, and the idle king will get up and wash up.

I can't wait to let this picky dead cub eat, and Yang Zhaoxian, who doesn't want to make trouble for himself, hurriedly came to report his work, just wanting to take people away as soon as possible and finish the matter as soon as possible.

"Wang Ye'an, the prince rested yesterday, you see, the weather is fine today, the prince is here to the far north to bear a heavy responsibility, the end will be incompetent, it is not good to delay the prince's business, if the prince is free, today we will go to see the auspicious luck."

The idle king, who was bored and yawning, was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't know for a while, What kind of medicine was sold in the gourd in front of him, but he came for auspicious things, since everyone took the initiative, he couldn't be idle, so he raised his hand and waved his sleeves.

"The general is good, auspicious is related to my Dajing Jiangshan Sheji, it is the top priority, since the general is loyal and brave, Xiao Wang will follow the general, today we will set off to see."

got a satisfactory answer, Yang Zhaoxian was overjoyed, under pressure, hard-headed, and endured the picky little ghost's contrived breakfast.

This time, he not only had confidence, but also had a heart on the way there.

At the beginning, he gave his subordinates an order that was just a broken jar and a broken can, forcing him to give his subordinates a task, in fact, he didn't expect that his subordinates were so powerful, and he actually cleaned up the auspiciousness of some people in Kawada Juntun, and didn't leave a single hair for the other party.

Every time he thought of this, he wanted to laugh three times in a comfortable body.

Riding on a tall horse, Yang Zhaoxian, who was shy, decided to come and go, and deliberately sent the idle king and his party to the Hetian military tun to lead.

Even along the way, Yang Zhaoxian was still thinking that for a while, he deliberately passed by Hetian Juntun with annoying little things, and let the little things take a look at the bare fields

of Hetian Juntun with his own eyes Thinking of waiting for that dead boy's expression that stinks and can't stink anymore, Yang Zhaoxian couldn't help laughing.

"General Yang, General Yang, are you going to take Xiao Wang to the Zhuangzi in front of you to inspect Xiangrui"

Yang Zhaoxian was distracted, the curtain of the carriage that was driving with him was lifted, and a head poked out of it, Yang Zhaoxian didn't react, or someone who came out of the probe kept calling him, and Yang Zhaoxian came back to his senses.

"Oh, the prince forgives the sin, it's the last general who has lost his mind, and if he doesn't notice it for a while, the prince forgives the sin."

"Eh, don't talk about this, Xiao Wang is asking you, is the auspicious rui who reported to the imperial court the Zhuangzi in front"

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now