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Text Chapter 38 Chapter 38

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

It's not easy to go when it rains, more than 100 people from the Chen family before and after are running wildly, and then there are Wang family members anxiously chasing after them, Yu Hui and Du Yuchen both cooperated, and the two were not to be outdone, and finally interspersed in the Chen family's team, and hurried to the mountain temple.

Although this temple is dilapidated, it covers an area of not small, there are two entrances, only the outer one is relatively small, there are three rooms, and compared with the five rooms in the inside, it is also a lot dilapidated.

There are many Chen families, and they were originally at the forefront, and the young men who were not burdened were the first to arrive after the yacha, so they naturally occupied the five-room temple behind the yacha together, and Yu Hui and the Wang family behind them had to suffocate themselves in the three-room temple in front.

In order to prevent the prisoners from escaping, the three of them gathered together, and arranged for their subordinates to be on duty at night in shifts.

These Yu Hui didn't care at all, knowing that his family could only stay in this outer hall to avoid the rain, Yu Hui looked at the broken place where it was raining heavily outside and it was raining lightly, but at the moment there was no choice, the situation was strong, and he could only find a better place to settle down as much as possible.

"Du Yuchen, taking advantage of the fact that there are few people at the moment, we will split up and find a sheltered and rain-free place to settle down as soon as possible, hurry up, and occupy a good position when we find it."

The fool used to look cowardly and stupid, but in fact, he was still very reliable, and before the large army outside arrived at the broken temple, he successfully found a place to settle on the edge of the shrine.

"This way."

Yu Hui heard the news, looked left and right, and glanced at the statue of the god with missing arms, legs and no head on the eye shrine, she didn't believe in the gods and Buddhas, because of the crossing, because of the unlucky and abominable original body, she still honestly folded her hands and bowed to the idol, silently chanting Don't blame, don't blame, seeing that the fool around her didn't move, Yu Hui raised her eyebrows, but people coldly dropped a sentence to her, "Zi is silent, strange and confused." And he sent himself away.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry", Yu Hui secretly comforted herself, and didn't look at the fool who didn't pay for her life, and checked this place by herself.

You really don't want to say it, it's really good that the place chosen by the fool is not poked

The huge stone platform shrine at the foot of the

mountain god forms a perfect angle with the back wall, and the tiles above the head are still intact, and the ground here is dry and refreshing until now, Yu Hui felt it carefully, and there was no wind, and immediately decided that this place was their place to stay tonight.

It is said that the silly child with a fragile heart needs more praise, she walked in ninety-nine steps, Yu Hui was not stingy to finish the remaining steps, and she was busy praising the fool, "Du Yuchen, you are good, you are doing a good job, you stay here, I will drag the car over."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now