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Text Chapter 78 Chin sent to the fourth with the ancestors...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"It's fine." , What can he do, "Everything I told you to do has been done without any mistakes" The concerned subordinate asked the leader, and immediately straightened his face, and said respectfully, "

Boss, don't worry, the subordinates are all according to your explanation, personally staring at the tenants on the village and planting the rice, ensuring that every eye is planted densely and without leaving a single gap."

"Well, that's good." , The leader nodded, and then thought of something, and the leader hurriedly added, "By the way, Zhuangzi is more closely guarded, don't let the troublemaker surnamed Liu come in, so as not to spoil the master's big business."

"But the head, the one surnamed Liu is the master's", thinking of the relationship between the leader of Liu and the general, his subordinates hesitated, "If we stop people from succeeding, we won't be scolded by the master when we turn around"

The leader shook his head, "No, the master has already spoken when he comes, this matter is very important, and the master doesn't want stupid things to do bad things."

"Oh, that's good, that's good, it's good that the master has spoken, Alas, I don't know how the master's side is going, whether he has received Lord Qincha as planned"

Listening to the emotion of his subordinates, the leader couldn't help but fall into deep thought, in fact, he also had this question in his heart, and he also wanted to know whether the progress of his general's side was going well.

Yang Zhaoxian, who was worried by his subordinates, after arranging the affairs of the family, led a large team of people to go out in the direction of Yanshan Pass for more than 100 miles, but he never greeted the person he wanted to see, and the situation made Yang Zhaoxian scold his mother in his heart.

"General, do we want to continue to move forward, more than 100 miles ahead, we will arrive at Yanshan Pass", they are soldiers of the Far North Pastoral Border, and they are not allowed to enter the pass unless they are called.

Yang Zhaoxian naturally knew the meaning of the mouths of his cronies, he thought about it, stopped the reins, raised the horsewhip in his hand and gave orders, "All stop, take a break for a while." But he looked at the direction of Yanshan Pass and fell into contemplation.

According to the news he got and the footsteps, the unlucky little prince of Qincha should have entered the realm under his jurisdiction.

But he couldn't welcome anyone for so long, couldn't it be that the unlucky Qin cha deserted

halfway It is impossible to desert, but well, the little prince who is young, has a good temper, and is delicate and expensive, hates the old man who comes with him to nag in his ear, no, the team stopped again.

The horses at the end of the team put their teeth and flowers, looked ahead, and the gorgeous carriage stopped in place, and the little old man who accompanied him leaned on the window to preach as many times as he had done many times in the past, and the horses had a headache.

Looking at this posture, with the experience he has accumulated along the way, he knows that today's road, I am afraid that he will not be able to catch up

After all, with the temperament of this little ancestor, it is strange not to

deliberately take the opportunity to rely on another day and then leave.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now