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Kid Ritz returns with a towel, handing it to me. I hold it tight, seeing that my clothes are dripping wet.

Kid Ritz: "Here, take these with you to the bathroom. Can you change by yourself?"

I nod as he hands me dry sweats and a long-sleeved shirt from his closet. I move slowly and quietly, realizing his Mama must be sleeping next door. I get changed in the small bathroom, trying my hardest to keep quiet.

Once I'm finally done, I stare in horror at the mirror. My eyes have a bright, white glow to them... glowing like Dom's and his brothers. I look away, scared. I tiptoe back to Kid Ritz's room. I open the door quietly, Kid Ritz getting up from his bed quickly to help me.

Kid Ritz: "Here, give me your clothes. I'll put them in the dryer."

I hand them over, seeing they are sopping wet. He speaks to me quietly, urging me to take a seat. He grabs my arm lightly, gently sitting me on his bed before leaving. I sit quietly, shaking hard as my body is so cold. Kid Ritz returns, closing his door slowly. The only light in his room is a small mood lamp beside his bed, casting soft shadows around the room.

Kid Ritz: "You look cold... do you want a blanket?"

I nod, watching as he rummages through his closet before pulling out a soft blanket and handing it to me. I struggle to move it around my shoulders, a little embarrassed as he does it for me.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer, I was so worried. When you called, you sounded... you didn't sound like yourself. Then, when I got to the place, I called, but it went straight to voicemail. I stayed awake as long as possible but fell asleep."

Ven: "I'm so sorry, it took me a while to get changed from my swimsuit."

Kid Ritz: "You called me at twelve. You woke me up at 4:00. It took you four hours to change?"

I stare at Kid Ritz, my heart beating faster and faster. I shake my head, not knowing what to say. He sighs, grabbing my hand.

Kid Ritz: "Look, Veneer. I... know that we don't know each other well, but."

He stops, meeting my eyes sadly.

Kid Ritz: "For me to help you, I need to know what you've taken tonight."

Ven: "Taken?"

Kid Ritz: "Yes. Whatever you're on, I won't judge you at all for it."

Ven: "Oh, well, I'm not on anything."

Kid Ritz: "Are you sure? You were slurring your words on the phone.

Ven: "Oh, well, I can see how you thought I was on something. I promise I wasn't... or, at least, I don't think I was."

Kid Ritz frowns.

Kid Ritz: "How long were you in that building? Who were you with?"

I tell Kid Ritz everything, from when I made it to Dom's place, every weird thing at dinner and the movies, and the whole interaction at Dom's pool.

Ven: "I was falling asleep so bad. I couldn't move well; I felt like I was in a trance. It took me so long to get out of the pool and into his bathroom. My phone battery was nearly entirely drained. I meant to call Velvet, but I guess I dialed your number. Something was horribly off about Dom; his eyes were glowing so bright that I couldn't see his irises anymore, and it hurt to look at him.''

Kid Ritz: "How did you get out? I didn't want to leave you when you didn't answer."

Ven: "I told him Velvet was having problems with our monkey, and she needed my help. He didn't seem to buy it but let me struggle out of his home. Kid Ritz... he had this terrifying, very calm smile... and his voice... it was so monotone and flat; there was no emotion whatsoever."

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