Pearl's Flaw

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Pearl has a major flaw within changing her form. With shapeshifting she is the only crystal gem that has not shapeshifter. When Garnet and Amethyst play Steven tag with Steven they tag Pearl but she refuses and without much thought it seems as if she is refusing to play a childish game . In reality she just can't shapeshift well. She was asked twice to shapeshift and she made an excuse twice so she didn't have to. She also passes up the opportunity to TEACH Steven how to shapeshift and tells Amethyst to teach him. In fusing she cannot stabilize well and this shows that as soon as the Pearl and the other gems disagree they defuse this does not happen to any of the other gems. With regeneration she took weeks to reform while Amethyst's longest time to reform was about four hours and Sapphire and Ruby took about an hour.

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