The Geode

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I think this the weapon used to end the war. This black dome contains a powerful synthetic (man-made rather than natural) storm that could destroy gems. Garnet implied that the crater around it formed from a giant explosion, this was caused by the mere opening of it. My theory is that Rose created the geode and wiped out the home world gems and her own gems. In the episode " keeping it together" Garnet says that the gems were buried and that Rose couldn't have known that the home world would do something like this." An explosion that is strong enough to build a crater that size would knock up enough ash to quickly bury the shattered gems. Garnet told Steven that he could heal the crack that was on the geode so that means that Rose could to. It is also said in the " indirect kiss" episode that Rose felt real sadness for people when they get hurt. The gems on her side and her enemies were hurt so she protected her friends with her shield then wept over her lost companions and enemies this healing the geode.

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