Gem Weapon Summoning

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This theory is how the gems summon their weapons.

Amethyst reaches inside of herself and then grabs her whip. It shows that she is emotional but keeps them inside.

Pearl takes both her hands and then guides her spear out. It shows that she is a teacher and intellectual.

Garnet summons gets through the power of the "universe". She just pumps her hands and her gauntlets appear. It shows that she is the most spiritually grounded and is in tune with everything around her.

Jasper summons hers through pure will power. She puts her ideas and opinions together and her helmet appears. It shows that she is headstrong and stubborn.

Steven summons his through the motherly need to protect. It shows that he truly cares for the person he is protecting. He always uses his shield to protect others but he hasn't used it to protect himself.

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