o n e // Living with Strangers

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Zara's POV.

"You can't do that Dad! Please!" I yelled when we arrived at a house a few hours away from home. "I told you that I have to take care of your brother since Mom left us," he said sadly.

"Then why are you letting me alone with strangers?" I asked him. "I could've helped you," I added with tears in my eyes.

My brother is a few months old, his name is Jason and he came onto the world with down syndrome and without hands.

My mother left us because she couldn't stand looking at him like this. He needs much attention and help that's why Dad drove me to some friends of his.

Dad knocked at the door and a women opened the door with a smile.

"I'm Stormie," she said to me, still smiling. "Zara," I replied when I shook her hand. Dad hugged her and brought my luggages into the house.

Stormie told Dad where he should carry my things while she leaded me to the living room where a lot of people where gathered, playing videogames and stuff.

"This is my husband Mark and these our our kids, except this one," she said and pointed to a brown haired who was yelling at the TV.

I chuckled and nodded when I held my hand out for Mark to shake it. "Zara," I said when he replied with a nod and a smile.

"Kids, we're going out tonight and go introduce yourselves to our guest," Stormie said and left with Mark to where my Dad was.

The 'kids' who didn't looked like kids anymore, stopped the game and turned around to face me. Well, this is awkward.

Before they could say something Dad came and hugged me. "Don't be mad, princess," he whispered when he looked at me.

"But I am, bye," I said and he kissed my head before he left.

"I'm Rydel," the only girl said with a grin. "I'm Zara," I said when she hugged me, surprisingly. The boys stood up and smiled at me.

"Riker, Ryland, Ross, Rocky & Ratliff," Rydel said while she pointed to each of the boys. "Zara," I said when I waved at them. They said 'Hey', waved back & continued playing.

Rydel rolled her eyes which made me smile a little. "Come on, I'll show you your room," she said and I nodded before we left up the stairs.

She leaded me to a room, painted in pink with a king sized bed and a TV in it, along with a wardrobe. "Looks awesome," I said with a smile.

"The thing is we are moving in a few weeks or month in our 'band house' without our parents and we aren't sure yet if Mom & Dad allow you to come with us or if you even want to but we'll discuss this tomorrow or something," she told me and I just nod.

"Do you want me to help you unpack?" She asked me with a grin. "No, I'll do it myself, thanks though," I replied which made her nod.

"I'm going back downstairs," she said and I nodded before she left.

I started unpacking my things while I listened to music. So they are a band? I seriously don't want to be here even though Rydel is really nice but I don't feel comfortable at all.


Short 1st Chapter hope you'll like it ;)

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