s i x t y // Christmas time

942 44 18

Zara's POV.


We were sitting on our big couch in Colorado with our family and sang christmas songs since it was already 10pm on Christmas Eve. Time surely flies by quickly.

"Let's go to bed everyone," Stormie said and we agreed. I stopped in the door frame with the other young adults on my trail. I spun around and looked at dad. "You wanted to tell me something remember?"

Dad looked at me and then his gaze went to the person next to me and then something above us. He smirked...oh no. I looked up as well and saw a mistletoe. I then looked at the person next to me which was Ross. It was his plan! I knew it'

"No," I grumbled and stomped my feet. "It's traditional!" Stormie peeped in and I send her a glare. "No," I repeated myself. "KISS KISS KISS!" They started chanting but I won't give in.

"But you have to," Ryland argued as Rocky agreed with his famous smirk.

I leaned up and kissed Ross' cheek quickly before I ran to my room. I don't want to be humiliated again. Remember two like a week ago when I kiss Ross? Well, she shove me away, glared at me and pushed me out of the room. I didn't talked to him since then.

I would push him 'accidentally' when we would walk past each other.

I shared a room with Rydel and before she can gossip about me & Ross I quickly got ready for bed and fell asleep.


I woke up and woke Rydel up shaking her like a tornado would do.

"What?" She asked as she got up. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I screamed in her face and grabbed her arm before we went to the room next door. I jumped on top of Jay and yelled, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

He groaned and opened his eyes. "Merry Christmas," he said and kissed my head before I went on to wake Rocky, Ryland & Riker. Rydel woke up Ross and Ratliff was with his family in Los Angeles so he couldn't be here.

"DAD, MOMMA, DAD2! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I screamed as loud as I could as I opened both of their rooms. They came out with messy hair and groaned before all three of them pulled me into a group hug.

"Merry Christmas kitten," Dad said and kissed my head. We all met downstairs and took the presents with each of our names on. I put the presents I bought for everyone under the tree at like 4am and met Jay who did the same.

Everyone else put their presents under tree at night as well so no one knew who gave which present to which person. I opened the first present which was a pretty pair of earrings. I smiled and put them on immediately.

I got a few phone cases, make up & just the usual people get for birthdays & christmas. I bought Rydel a gold necklace with a bow as charm and she was really happy about it.

My last present was wrapped in meters of wrap paper. I gasped as I saw that it was from Tiffany & Co.

I quickly opened it to see a bracelet which must've cost a fortune. "Oh my gosh," I whispered at the beautiful piece in my hands. "I can't take this. Who bought me this?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

We didn't wanted to tell who bought which present for who since most of us don't even want something for christmas. Everyone stared at each other, no ones telling me who bought this.

"This must've cost thousands," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. (A/N 4,900$ to be exact)

"It's beautiful!" Rydel gushed as she stared at it in awe. "Just put it on and stop annoying for gods sake," Ross said as he rolled his eyes. Well, I definitely didn't got it from him. Not from Rydel and probably not from Jay.

I put it on and smiled to myself. This was the best present someone could make me. It was so beautiful. I mean I know that they have money but who would spend that much of money for a bracelet?

Suddenly the door bell rang and Dad went to open the door. He came back with a grin and a person behind him hidden in a grinch costume. I started laughing and immediately knew who it was.

He took his mask off and Rydel squealed as she jumped into her boyfriends arms. "What are you doing here?" Rydel asked as she wiped her tears. "I flew here go gave you your present," Ratliff said in a duh tone. His parents came around the corner and greeted everyone.

Suddenly Ratliff got on one knee and my smile had never been this wide. Wait, he's proposing in a grinch costume? One of the thousand ways go make it unique Ratliff.

"Rydel, you have no idea how much I really do love you. I've been in love since I very first met you at the dance studio your eyes and your smile totally caught me off guard and just like that you were the only thing that was on my mind. I remember our first kiss after a concert in New York. You came towards me and asked me to kiss you which I gratefully did and I'm happy that you made the first step because I'm a chicken. Anyways, I love you so much and I want you to make you mine forever. Will you marry me?"

Rydel was fully crying as she let out a, "YES!"

Everyone cheered and I was so happy for them. Thank god Ratliff finally popped the question. Rydel was almost doubting their love since they've been together since like five years.



Didn't saw that coming right? :D

Who do you think the bracelet is from?

Next Chapter will be the last... :(

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