t w e n t y - t w o // Revenge

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Zara's POV.

I jumped up immediately but Ross jumped up before me and locked my door so I couldn't ran off.

"Oh! But the baby isn't yours don't worry! You yelled at me to give you a condom even though you wanted to make me pregnant. You're a weird guy," she said through the phone.

"So we did use a condom? And I didn't made you pregnant?" Ross asked to be sure. "Yep." "okay bye."

I let out a huge sigh of relief and so did Ross. I leaned against the door and waited for him to say something. "do you still have feelings for me?" He asked me when he took a few steps towards me.

"I don't know," I answered with a shrug. I honestly think that I still have feelings for him but I'm not sure. "what about you?" I asked curiously even though I might know the answer.

"What do you think?" He asked when he came closer until I was pressed against the door by him. I rested my hands on his chest and looked up at him.

"You're head over heels," I said when I flicked my hair. We both bursted out laughing for good two minutes. "it's true," he said with a nod.

"How do we find out what I feel now?" I asked being my teasingly self and stood on my tip toes so my lips were only inches apart from his.

"You're such a tease, sometimes I really forget that you're only 14," he whispered when our foreheads touched. "Yea, and you're just to high," I said when I plopped back down on my feet.

My head only reached to his chin because he's...tall. Suddenly his hands were on my thighs and he pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

So now we were face to face. We stared into each others eyes and he was leaning in.

"Zara! Are you in there!?" I heard Rydel's voice asking. My eyes widen and I jumped off of Ross' arms. I ran to the window and since we were downstairs Ross could jump in our huge yard.

I closed the window, fixed my dress and unlocked the door with a yawn. "were you asleep?" Rydel asked curious. "Yea, why?" I asked lying.

"Ross isn't in his room. I thought he was here."

Suddenly the door opposite my room opened and a yawning Ross stood next to Rydel. "what's up? I heard my name."

"I...You...Whaaat?" Rydel asked more confused then she can handle. "come on, let's go upstairs," I said and linked my arm with Rydel's when we let Ross standing in the hall.

I turned around to see him pout which made me laugh. "what are you laughing about?" Rydel asked curious and still confused. "oh nothing," I said when we plopped on the couch.

Rydel & I started looking through Rydel's gossip magazines. "oh god! Channing Tatum is so hot!" Rydel squealed when he pointed to a shirtless picture of him.

Ratliff stopped the game and everyone looked at him while he looked at Rydel with a raised eyebrow. "not as hot as Ellington though," she said which made me laugh.

Ratliff smirked and continued to play the game with the boys. I heard footsteps and Ross appeared...shirtless. "Ross, put a shirt on," Rydel said to her brother.

Ross smirked at me and said, "nah, I like it that way." He stretched right in front of me to show of his muscles. God, why is he teasing me like that?

"I think Brooklyn Beckham over there is hotter," when I pointed to the pictures in the magazine. I saw Ross glaring at me playfully which made me smirk.

"Guyyys, you know what? Stormie home schooled me a lot since I missed school and I don't have to go to school this year anymore since it is October. She also offered to keep homeschooling me & Jay when we visit or when she visit so yea," I explained mostly to Rydel because no one else listened.

"That's great," Rydel said and showed me a picture of Liam Hemsworth. We giggled and continued gossiping about celebrities.


"You boys are stupid, you don't even listen when I say something," I exclaimed after I told them how excited I was for all the birthdays coming up and stuff.

Rydel was taking a shower so I had no one to talk. "Ugh whatever," I said and laid on the couch. I sighed and stared at the ceiling when suddenly I got lifted up by more then one guy.

I screamed and giggled when I tried to escape but they all hold me tight. Ross was holding my left leg, Jay my right leg, Rocky my left arm & Ryland my right arm while Riker & Ratliff opened the door so they could carry my outside.

"No!" I screamed when they stood in front of the pool. "please don't!" I yelled again. A few seconds later I was in the water, soaking wet.

I climbed out and laid on the grass when they suddenly started ticking me. "guys!" I yelled in a more serious tone. I could feel my breathing getting heavier.

"G-guys..." I stuttered when I started gasping for air.


Another breathing attack? Uh oh.

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