s e v e n // you're no longer a part of my life

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Zara's POV.

He leaned down until his soft lips with paint on, where on mine. It was just a soft short kiss which gave me butterflies.

He pulled away and I just looked at him, shocked. That wasn't my first kiss but it was my second one and surprisingly it felt really good.

He stood up and helped me up as well. "Uhm," was all that came out of my mouth. "Yea," Ross said when he scratched the back of his neck.

Ryland came in the bathroom and looked at us weirdly. "What the..." he started but couldn't end his sentance.

I took my brush and said, "I'm going to wash the paint out of it." It was a bit awkward. I left, letting them speechless in the bathroom.

We couldn't use the sink in our bathroom, yet, so I walked up the stairs where everyone else was and washed the paint out of the brush.

After that I washed my face and also my hair which I let falling down all wet.

"When are we going home?" I asked Ratliff & Rocky who where almost done painting the kitchen. "We don't know," they answered shrugging.

"Okay," I said and walked back downstairs. I was just about to enter the bathroom when I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Ross still full of paint.

Without saying anything I walked into the bathroom and he walked up the stairs. I hope it won't be that awkward at all.

I continued painting the walls and soon Ross came back and continued to paint the other side of the bathroom.


Ross' POV.

I wanted to leave the bathroom when I bumped into someone. I looked down and Zara was standing in front of me with her wet hair, falling down in light curls.

Her dark green eyes met mine and I could see that she was still in shock.

I can't fall for a 14 years old. I'm 19. My parents are also a few years apart but that's diffrent. She ignored me but I need to talk to her.

I wanted her attention. When we were skating I did some tricks to impress her. I even carried her up the stairs when she was to lazy. I tried so hard to finally get her attention.

"Guys! Let's go home we're coming back tomorrow!" Riker yelled from upstairs. We all left the house and got in the car.

Riker started the engine and drove off. "So Rydel & I talked about what we could do the next few days and we decided to go hiking before we go on the short, three weeks tour," Riker told us.

I wasn't a fan of hiking but I didn't mind.

First we will finish painting our new house and then we'll go hiking maybe we'll have a pool party again like always and then three weeks tour.

Zara & I were the only ones not talking and of course someone had to notice.

"Are you okay Zara?" Rydel asked her curious. "Sure," Zara replied with a smile. "Ross? You okay too?" Rydel asked me as well. "Yes," I responded.

"They had a paint fight maybe their just really exhausted even though I was the one who had to clean it up," Ryland said when he rolled his eyes playfully.

Soon we arrived home and Dad's car was in the drive way.

"Oh no," Riker said when he parked the car and got out. He didn't even saw Dad but he was mad and pissed off already.

He unlocked the door and we all walked in, seeing Dad with a women in the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Riker asked trying to stay calm as best as he could. "How dare you!?" Zara suddenly yelled at the women.

"Honey, please," the women started but Zara cut her off. "Screw you! I hate you and I never want to see or talk to you ever again! You're no longer a part of my life!" Zara yelled furious before she ran out of the house.

"I'm going," I volunteered to follow her. I started running and she wasn't that fast so I catched up with her, easily.

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