f i f t y - o n e // Are You Coming Or Not?

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Zara's POV.

"So they want me to come with them?" I asked the police officer to be sure that I heard him right. He nodded and I sighed. What am I going to do?

I left and walked outside to where I left Bryan, Ross and...the other people. "I don't want to move with some strangers," I said clearly and they all just stared at me with pain in their eyes. "You don't remember anything? All those memories we made? All the fun we had? And all the problems we worked through?" Some guy who looked the same age as I was said as he pressed his lips into a thin line to prevent himself from crying.

"What should I do? I don't know you!" I said furiously. How can he say such things if I never ever saw this person in my life? Who does he think he is? Jesus?

He couldn't stop himself as the tears poured out of his eyes. "I'm your twin brother," I heard him whispering. My eyes grew wide and my jaw slowly dropped to the center of the earth.

He does look like me in certain ways but he's still a stranger to me. I kneeled down and buried my face in my hands. I felt something cold pouring onto me and saw that it was raining. I started crying even more now. I can't trust anyone not even my mother who's going to prison.

"Go inside, I'll talk to her," I heard a light voice saying. I heard footsteps and soon someone was sitting next to me. "Don't even try," I said sobbing. "I know it's all to much for you-" he started but I cut him off. "You know nothing! Do you know how it feels like to be betrayed by your own mother? Do you know how it feels like to have some people around you who you don't even know even though you actually know them but you just can't remember? Or what about having a twin brother who you never met before?"

"I'm sorry Zara, we're all overwhelmed by seeing you again. I was the one who cried over you for days after the accident we both had. I was the one who had to let you go and who thought you were dead. I was the one who almost past out at your funeral."

"Wait, we both had an accident? Like you and me? Not my Mom & I?" I asked as I wiped my tears and looked at the hazel eyes of the soaking wet blondie, next to me. "Yea, we were on a road trip. Just you and me," he explained to me as a single tear rolled down his cheek and fell onto his hand.

I didn't know what came over me but I grabbed his hand and wiped the tear away. "Were you my boyfriend?" I asked quietly. "Yea, I was," he replied with sadness in his eyes. "How long?" I asked as I let go of his hand.

"Almost five months," he answered and avoided eye contact with me. "Were we...were we a cute couple?" I asked my last question I wanted to have an answer to for today. He chuckled and smiled, "yes, we were the cutest couple on earth."

He was so convinced by his own words as he showed me the lock screen of his phone. "You & I?" I asked as I pointed to a picture of a younger us, at the beach with shoes he was wearing right now. "You still wear those shoes," I pointed out and he nodded smiling.

"I'm glad that they still fit," he told me and I smiled a little. It was kinda awkward between us after we stopped talking. "Uhm, Riker is...well, was in charge of you but since you're 19, you can do what you want. Uhm, we were still thinking that you may want to come with us? I mean you don't have to but we all missed you a lot and I'm sure your father wants to see you," he stumbled over his words as he said that.

"F-father?" I asked stuttering. He nodded and my mind was already exploring from the things I found out earlier. "Mom always told me that he was dead," I told him with a sigh. "We have to tell a lot more though," he said with a slight smile.

"Uh, uhm, I want to talk with my twin brother?" I said kinda asking if I got it right that he actually was my twin brother. "I'll go get him," Ross said and walked into the police building. I didn't wanted to get up so I just sat on the ground. My clothes were soaking wet and my hair was just...everywhere.

"Zara? C'mon inside you'll get sick," the dark blonde haired guy whose eyes look like mine said. "No, I want to talk to you alone," I told him honestly. He nodded and took of his jacket before he held it above both of our heads.

"So, you're my twin?" I asked slightly uncomfortable. "I am," he nodded with a sigh. "Don't hit me with facts and memories just yet, please but were we like best friends?" I asked even though I didn't know why. I mean seriously what kind of question was that, Zara?

"Yea we were. We didn't knew each other for long, though because...of some...stuff," he told me, trying not to tell me shit about my past. "You don't want to come with us, do you?" He asked sadly as he wiped a tear away from his cheek.

"I-I don't know, honestly. I have a job here and a good friend, I'm not sure if I can just come with some strangers."

It hit me when I saw his hurt expression. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that you're a stranger. I can't remember you but I have a feeling that I do," I explained myself and he just nodded. "Are you coming or not?"


Will she come with them? Or not?

Does anyone know a good ending to this book? If yes then PLEASE dm me bc I don't have any more ideas!

Btw someone is translating this story into hebrew I guess which is really cool :)

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