f o r t y - s e v e n // Emptiness

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Ross' POV.

"Ross!" I heard a panicked voice. Zara gripped onto my hand and right when I wanted to look at her I saw two lights and something collided with my car...


I opened my eyes to be blended by lights. I squeezed my eyes shut again and groaned as pain shot through my right arm. I heard a door shut and my eyes shot open, hoping to see Zara.

"Hey Mr. Lynch, how are you feeling?" A nurse asked. "My arm hurts. Where is Zara?" I asked immediately. "You're arm is broken several times and unfortunately Miss Walker is in coma," the nurse told me with...a smirk or something which wasn't really polite.

She left and seconds later Riker, Jay, Rydel, Ratliff, Ryland & Rocky bursted through the door. "Zara is in coma?" I asked before they could say something. "She is," Jay told me making my heart sink. This can't be happening...

Suddenly a doctor bursted into the room, "we're sorry," was all he said. I jumped up and started panicking, "What? What do you mean?" I asked yelling. "She didn't survived."

"You're joking! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" I yelled as I bursted into tears. She can't be gone! I pushed the doctor aside and ran down the hall. I couldn't find her room until I saw two nurses changing the sheets of a bed.

Z. Walker was standing on the little sign on the bed. She's gone and I couldn't even say goodbye. This has to be dream...a nightmare.


Do you know that feeling of emptiness in your heart? When you lose someone and all you feel is emptiness und pain. I'm heartbroken. Jay, Ratliff & my siblings lost a sister and I lost my girlfriend...my best friend, soulmate and love of my life.

I can't even cry anymore. It's all to much for me. "come on Ross it's time for the funeral," Rydel said as she appeared in Zara's room where I kinda moved in now. She wore a black dress along with black pumps. I nodded and fixed my black tux.

I grabbed my sunglasses so no one would see me crying again and followed Rydel up the stairs where my brothers were in black tuxes as well.

We drove to the funeral and met up with John, mom & Dad. The priest did a speech and Rydel told me to say something to the little crowd as well. I stepped onto the podium and tears fell onto my folded hands, "I love her and I always will. She was the most important person in my life and I've never cared for someone so much like I did for her. I miss her and I can't live without her."

My voice was cracking in the end so I sat back down and cried silently. It's been two weeks. Two fucking weeks and I'm breaking down every day. The accident was 18 days ago and I slept in her bed since the night I got home.

I posted the last pic of us in our shoes tweeting it with the caption.

'@/RossR5: >Pic< Rest In Peace #RoaraRoadTrip I will miss you <3'

I cancelled interviews and hasn't been on social media ever since. I don't want to talk about it and I need time...a lot of time to move on from the pain I feel. Not to see her smile everyday or hear her laugh even when she's mad the little wrinkle on her forehead, it all hurts and she's the only one I'm thinking about.

I felt an arm around my shoulder and saw Rydel looking at me with a sympathetic smile. "It hurts Del," I admitted sobbing. "I know it does," she replied and pulled me closer while she rubbed my back to comfort me.

Jay stepped onto the podium and let out a painful sigh. "I didn't spend my whole life with her. She wasn't only was my sister, she was my best friend. Our brother Hakeem already died because of uncontrollably bleeding in his head.
I've never met him but I'm glad that I at least had the chance to meet my sister. I love you Zara and I miss you so much."

She's gone. I still can't believe it. I will never see her again, never hold her again, never kiss her again, never let her decide what I should wear, never make her blush again, never sleep next to her again...

"She was my daughter and I really do loved her but I'm also glad that she didn't had to spend her life with those fucked up people!"

My head snapped up and Kyra was standing on the podium with a red short dress and a big grin. "Go away!" Jay screamed at his so called 'mother'. "Why? It's my daughters funeral. Don't you think I should be here?"

"Mrs. Walker would you please leave," My Mom said politely but with harsh tone. Why was she even here? Shouldn't she be in prison?

"You'll see," was all Kyra said before she left with a smirk on her face. "Why was she here?" Jay asked his father sobbing. "I don't know, buddy, I don't know."


Well, I know ;)
love y'all <3

BTW I had surgery yesterday and I feel like shit. Whatever, I'll get over the pain :)

(For all those who can see those emojis down below) Can you find your country?!

Gosh I don't even know some of them exist, haha! I maybe know like 15 or something wtf hahaha

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