s i x t y - o n e // New Years Kiss

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Last Chapter :O

Zara's POV.

"Four more hours until New Year!"

We spend Ross birthday at the ice rink as well and I gave him a new years sweater. I know it's a shitty present but I didn't found anything else since he didn't wanted anything.

I was surprised that he was actually wearing the sweater today.

I was so excited for New Year. I was 20 now and the guy I had a crush on turned 26. "Guys! What about we attend the party in the big mansion down the road?" Riker asked us.

We all agreed and Rydel grabbed my arm before we got ready for the party. I feel bad that our parents would party alone. "Oh my gosh. This is the perfect new years dress!" Rydel squealed as she threw a black dress with gold glitter at me.

I made my hair in curls and put make up on before I put my Tiffany & Co. bracelet back on and a necklace Rydel got for my birthday also the earrings which Jay admitted that he bought them for me.

I put on random matching heels and waited for Rydel to be done. "You look gorgeous," I gushed happily as I looked at her in her little black dress.

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded before we made our way down the stairs. The boys were already downstairs dressed in button up shirts, jeans, suit jackets and converse.

"You look beautiful," Ratliff said to Rydel as she blushed. They kissed and I looked at the other boys. "Why thank you," I said even though no one complimented me.

I went to the kitchen and wished Stormie, Mark & Dad a happy new year. They told me that they would go to the neighbors house to celebrate.

I went back to the living room and they were already leaving the house. I followed and got into the van as well before we drove off to the mansion. "This is huge," I said in awe. "It sure is," Rydel agreed.

"Let's go party!"

We went inside and in a twinkle of an eye I lost everyone. I shrugged and made my way around watching the people either drinking, making out or just dancing & talking. "One hour until 2021!" Someone yelled.

60 minutes until I could find a person who could be my new years kiss and also until the new year would finally start. My new year resolutions are just having fun and nothing else. I wasn't happy for a long time and I deserve to have the fun I missed in my past years.

I giggled as I saw Rydel making out with Ratliff. I can't wait until they get married and have kids. They're just so adorable. "Hello love," an Irish accent said from behind. I turned on my heels and saw a blonde guy with turquoise eyes. Oh my god he was so hot. "Hello there," I said with a smile.

"Wanna dance?" He asked and I nodded as he took my hand and dragged me onto the dance floor. He danced a while and he asked me question like how old I am or what my name is.

His name is Tony and he's 24. Maybe he'll be my new years kiss. Tony & I grabbed some food and partied with other people.

I remember when I celebrated new year with Kyra and like twenty men or something. Kyra would invite all of our married neighbors but only the mens. I on the other hand had to celebrate with a different guy each year. They would try to get a new years kiss from me but I never gave into them. Sucks for them.

"You're a really nice guy Tony," I complimented ten minutes before new year. "You're nice too but you have to know something. I have a son."

Just then all my dreams crashed. "Ouh." "I'm sorry," he apologized quickly. "It's okay. I gotta go but have fun and a happy new year," I said and kissed his cheek before I left. I walked up the stairs and into a random room. Out there was a balcony and I decided to spend my new year on that balcony.

I got out and let out a scream as I saw someone already sitting there. "Sorry," I said as the person turned around. I gasped as I saw Ross sitting there. "It's fine you can stay," he said and patted the spot next to him.

I sat down and looked at the sky. "3 more minutes!"

"Well what are your new year resolutions?" I asked him trying to be his friend again. "Having fun and just do what my heart wants," he said quietly. "And yours?" "Exactly the same as yours," I admitted and saw how all the people gathered outside in the yard.

"One minute!"

"Sad that I don't get a new years kiss. This guy was to good to be true," I muttered as I let out a sigh. "What happened?" Ross asked me. "He has a son," I told him embarrassed. Ross chuckled and shook his head.

"10. 9. 8."

"I love you," Ross suddenly said which made me look at him in shock.

"7. 6. 5."

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"4. 3. 2."

"I love you Zara," he said and placed his hand on my cheek to pull me closer. "1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

He pressed his lips onto mine as fireworks went off literally. It took me a few seconds before I kissed back. He opened his mouth as our lips moved in sync. His tongue poked my lower lip and I opened my mouth for his tongue to enter.

We pulled away breathless.

"I love you too," I whispered as a tear rolled down my face. Ross wiped my tear and gave me a peck on the lips before he pulled me down to lay my head on his lap.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I grinned and nodded, "I'd love too."

Ross grabbed my wrist and pulled my bracelet off. "What are you doing?" I asked as I got up and looked at him in confusion. He showed me something which was engraved into the inner side of the bracelet.

'Zara + Ross = ❤️'

"I didn't saw that before," I said as I gasped. He put it back around my wrist and tears escaped my eyes again. "Stop crying babe," Ross cooed as he wiped them again.

"I love you so much and I'm so sorry for everything," I said sobbing. "I love you too and I'm sorry too," Ross said and leaned in to kiss me again.

I really do love him.


That was it.
So some of you might know that I'm not going to write any more R5 Fanfictions.
I'll do a new account and write teen fictions and also planned on writing a 1D fanfic.
I'm sorry that I disappointed you but I hope you understand.
Thank you all so much for supporting me. I love you all ❤️


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