t h i r t y - s i x // Sorry

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Zara's POV.

I gasped as I realized that it's Ross' Birthday. "Oh my god, Ross I ruined your birthday," I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. "It's fine, as long as we have you back," he said with a smile.

I went to him and hugged him tightly, "Happy Birthday Rockstar." He chuckled and pulled my on his lap. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. It's been a long day and I'm really exhausted.

"I'm thirsty and hungry," I complained as I went to the kitchen. I didn't ate much these weeks. I made myself a toast and drank some water as I heard the door open.

"We need to apologize to her that we really thought she would text us those things," I heard Riker saying. I took my toast and the water bottle and went into the living room.

"Zara, look about what happened back then with the texts-" Rydel started but I cut her off. "I know, you're sorry. Let's just forget it." "Are you okay?" Riker asked me.

"What do you think?! First I need to live with Kyra then you guys think I would call you bad things for no reason because I never called any of you anything bad and then I get abused! Do you really want to ask me that question again? I guess not!"

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "It's fine."

"I'm going to bed," I said. I hugged Rydel who had tears in her eyes. I hugged Jay next and then everyone else. "Let's just please forget about it," I said before I walked down the stairs.

I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth before I laid down in my bed. It was already late so maybe they'll go to bed now too. The door opened and I heard some good nights before Ross appeared in my room.

"Do you want me to sleep here?" He asked me curious. I nodded my head and he closed the door as he crawled next to me under the covers. "So what did Kyra texted you?" I asked him since I'm pretty sure that she found out about us someway and broke up with him.

"She texted me that you hate me and you break up with me also that I'm ugly and the worst boyfriend ever. I couldn't explain it because I thought she didn't knew about us," he explained to me.

"I hate her so much, I hope that I won't be a bad mother like her," I said as I let my head fall on the pillow. He turned himself and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around as well so we were facing each other.

"Do I get a kiss now?" He asked with puppy eyes. I giggled and nodded as I rolled on top of him. I looked down and stared into his hazel eyes which were shining brightly. I leaned down and pressed my lips onto his.

He held my hips and rubbed his hands up and down my back as I messed with his hair. I pulled away and rolled down with a huge smile on both of our faces. "I love you," he whispered which made me blush lightly.

"I love you too," I replied as he pecked my lips once more. "Good night Rockstar," I said to him. "Good night beautiful," he replied before we both drifted off to sleep.


"Truth or dare?" I asked as I pointed to Rydel. "Truth," she replied casually. "Which one of your brothers, do you think is the hottest?" I asked laughing. "Seriously?" She frowned and I nodded giggling.

"Uhm...I don't know," she responded with a shrug. "Just look at them and say who's the hottest," I told her with my hands in my lap. "Hmm, probably Riker," she replied just then Riker did his victory dance and the other boys argued with her.

"I'm hotter then that chicken!" Rocky exclaimed as he pretended to be mad. "Nah, I'm hotter then the sun," Ross argued as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yea, No!" I said and smirked at them.

They glared at me and soon we bursted out laughing.

"Zara, truth or dare?" Rydel asked me. "Truth," I said since I knew that Rydel's dares are boring. "How did you planned your future?" She asked interested.

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked curious. "What do you want to do in the future and when will you marry someone and get pregnant and stuff," she said to me.

"Okay, I want to travel around the world and do crazy stuff because I need the adrenaline. I want to get married after I'm 20 and get pregnant before I'm 30," I said which made everyone listen interested even though it's not.

"How many kids?" Rydel asked. "More then two but I don't know yet, though because I'm 15," I said with a shrug as we went on to play the game. Ross smiled at me and I smiled back as he winked at me.

"Okay, I do one for Ross," Rocky said evilly. Ross' eyes widen and he was a bit scared whivh made me laugh. "Ross, truth or dare?" Rocky asked smirking. Rocky is the best in this game.

Either his questions are really embarrassing or his dares are just...embarrassing as well.

"Tr-Dare," Ross answered terrified.

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