f o r t y - t h r e e // Coming Home

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Zara's POV.

"You excited?" Bryan asked me as we were eating breakfast. "Why should I?" I asked him. "You're coming out today," he said as he just stared at me, probably thinking why I'm not freaking out about it.

"Yea, not at all," I told him as I took a bite from my toast which tasted like an elephant already ate it and puked it out. My face turned from nothing in disgust and I spat it out.

"Why?" He asked me but I decided not to answer him and say, "they really should learn how to cook. It's disgusting." He chuckled and just shook his head.

"You know I'm gonna miss you?," he asked suddenly. "Yea, I'm gonna miss you too," I replied as I just hugged him. "Sabrina, c'mon!" The police guy called Ty said as he took my arm and I waved at Bryan before disappearing.

He took me to my room and I took the picture I drew in art club. Yep, I went to art club two times. "Your family is here," he told me as he leaded me to the entrance where a few rooms were.

They handed me my clothes and I changed back into them. This was it, I'm coming out! I walked down the hall in complete silence. I was at the door and waited for the police man to unlock it.

The door opened and I walked out. The familiar car was parked and I looked to my right to see them. Every single one of them with a huge smile on their faces.

Me, looking blankly at their faces, except for their eyes. I avoided eye contact to make myself more comfortable around the people I used to love more then anything. I can't love anymore. Not at all.

"Zara," someone dared to break the silence. I didn't thought that they would pick me up and now they're even talking to me? Did I miss anything?

"I didn't thought you would come," I mumbled but they could still hear. "Why wouldn't we? We missed you so much and are glad that we have you back," Rydel said with a bright smile.

I looked at Ross' face and he looked like a mess. His hair was crazy and he had a weak smile on his face. I made eye contact with him and my heart melted. I had the urge to jump in his arms and just tell him that I missed him.

Why not do that? A smile took over my face and I ran towards him. His reactions where slow but he had some so he opened his arms right when I jumped on him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist while he had his hand around my waist.

"I missed you!" I said into his ear so only he could hear. He let out a sigh of relief. "I missed you too, so so much." "Okay our lovebirds are reunited so why not go home?" Riker suggested but I didn't let go of Ross.

I can't risk on losing him ever again. He carried me to the car and got in while I made myself comfortable on his lap. "I missed holding you Zara, I was a mess these days," Ross told me as Riker drove off.

"And I missed being in your arms. I'm still a mess though." "You're not," he argued gentle. "Believe me, you have no idea what happened in Youth Prison," I said with a sigh.

"Wanna tell me?" He asked as he stroke my hair. "Not now," I replied and he just nod. I looked him in the eyes and he smiled at me as his hand went to my cheek. He pulled me closer and leaned towards me.

I closed my eyes and felt his soft lips on mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I pulled away slowly. He leaned his forehead on mine and smiled as I smiled back.


"She called me a whore and just smirked. Then I said 'people call you B cause you're a Bitch'," I explained to everyone as we were gathered in the living room.

"That's my bestie!" Rocky exclaimed as he high fived me. I chuckled and grinned. "And what happened to your hands?" Jay asked me which made me gulp. "Uhm, I-I have anger problems," I told them stuttering.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked again. "Well, I can't control myself anymore when I'm angry. It hit the walls and my knuckled started bleeding. I'm a freak."

"You're not a freak!" They all said sternly which made us smile. "I look like a mess, bruises everywhere," I whispered as I laid my head on Ross' chest. "It's okay now, I got you," Ross whispered in my ear.

I smiled weakly and gripped onto his shirt. I still need to process everything but I'll be fine...just fine.

I closed my eyes and was almost asleep when someone started unwrapping my bandages from my wrist and hands. "Be careful Riker," I heard Ross whispering.

"Yea bro, don't worry," Riker replied simply. I felt a little pain and my eyes shot open. "Ow," I whined and pulled my hand away from Riker's grasp. "Dude, I told you to be careful!" Ross snapped which made me smile at him.

"It's fine though," I assured Riker who apologized multiple times. He finished wrapping new bandages around my wrist and hands and I thanked him. I didn't noticed that everyone else was just chilling and watching TV.



"I missed you so damn much," I whispered before I fell into a deep sleep.


She's baaaack!

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