f i f t e e n // buy me

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Zara's POV.

I woke up with a scream and tears rolling down my cheeks. I opened my eyes to see that I was still in the car and that I was fully laying on Ross.

"What happened? You okay?" Rydel asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine...just a bad dream," I explained when backed away from Ross.

I dreamed about the fight with my Mom. It ended with me getting hit and pushed at the wall. I turned around to look out of the window and didn't talked or looked at anyone for the rest of the drive.


In the evening Rydel & I talked about what kind of dresses we want. We share a room and it was in the middle of the night.

"Okay, what about each one of us tells each other a secret," Rydel suggested and I just nod. "Alright, I'll go first," she said and thought about a secret she could tell me.

"Okay, when we just moved to Cali and got friends with Ratliff we kissed once, before we even started R5," she told me with a grin.

"Your turn," she added and I debated on either telling her a lame secret or about my dad.

"My Mom and I had a fight before she left and it turned out that I was the result of a one night stand and that my Dad isn't even my Dad," I told her sobbing.

"Oh my god," Rydel said and pulled me into a hug immediately.

"Don't tell anyone," I added when i wiped my tears. "I won't," she said when we linke our pinkys. "Let's go to bed," Rydel suggested. "Okay."


"Hurry!" Rydel yelled from downstairs. I groaned and made my way downstairs. I slipped my converse on and we went to the car.

It was around 1pm and a few minutes later we arrived at the mall.

We walked into the first shop and looked for the perfect dress.

"Found anything?" I asked Rydel since she isn't that picky like me. "No, you?" She asked back. I shook my head and continued searching but I just didn't found the dress that said 'buy me' ya know?

"Let's go to another shop," I suggested and Rydel just nodded. We walked to another shop with lots of beautiful dresses.

I saw a blue one but it was a bit short and I actually wanted a long one. Suddenly a long, mint dress took my attention. It was the perfect one. The only one that literally screamed 'BUY ME'.

"I got it!" I yelled at the same time Rydel did. We showed each other our dresses and gasped. "no way!" We yelled in unison.

She literally picked the same dress in pink. "we have the same taste," I said with a shrug when we went to the dressing rooms.

"Ready?" Rydel asked a few minutes later. I was now standing in front of the certain without knowing if this was the dress I wanted.

I opened the curtain and Rydel was standing in front of me in her dress. "we look awesome!" We said again in unison. We stood next to each other in front of the body mirror and smiled. "these are the dresses," I said with a nod.

Rydel nodded in agreement and we changed into our normal clothes and paid for the dresses.

Well that was fast, wasn't it?

"Now shoes and jewelry," Rydel said and dragged me into the next shop. I found some mint green heels, matching to my dress and Rydel found some white ones.

We also bought jewelry after that and squealed when we went to the car. "we'll look better then anyone else!" Rydel said which made me agree.

"Do you have a date for the party?" Rydel asked curious. "yea, a friend asked me to go with him as a friend. You know since I'm here I found four awesome best friends named Alessandro, Jake, Dylan & Jay."

"I can't wait to meet them. Well, obviously I'm going with Ratliff," she said right at the time when we arrived back home.

"I'm going with Jay but it's so weird because he's literally me in a girl version. I don't know," I told her with a shrug. I unlocked the door and Stormie came to us being her excited self.

She came with us upstairs and granny followed. "show us the dresses," Stormie demanded squealing. We showed our shoes and jewelry first and then our dresses.

Even granny squealed and we all just giggled. "these dresses look awesome!" They complimented our dresses with a grin. "thanks," Rydel & I said in unison.

We hid the dresses in our wardrobes and went down the stairs. The boys already had their tuxedos. Well, grandpa went to the shop with Riker and they picked five of the same tuxedos in their sizes.

Lazy boys...

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