t w e n t y - s e v e n // Making up

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Zara's POV.

"Why did you woke up that early anyways?" Ross asked me curious. I gulped and quickly thought about a lie. "Well, I woke up at like 5am and...I needed to use the bath and...went upstairs to drink something, so I decided to stay upstairs and watch TV," I lied as I looked at the million houses down there in front of me.

I couldn't lie right into his face. "Why do I not believe you?" He asked with a sigh. "Ross," I said with a sigh as well. "Don't even start this," I warned him politely. "Why are you lying then?" He asked as he raised his voice a little.

"Because...it is how it is," I replied annoyed. "Zara, I just want to understand. Why would you lie to me?" "You won't understand just...don't even try! I'm fine," I said as I stood up and threw the jacket at him.

Why am I like this? Gosh!


Riker's Birthday

It's been a few days and I didn't talked to Ross about it. He didn't wanted to sleep in my room anymore and didn't even tried to talk to me. I understand that he's a little mad.

Anyways, it's Riker's Birthday today and we all are in our rooms to change into our bathing clothes. I picked out a black bikini with gold and changed into it. I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my shades.

I opened my door and saw Ross in his room, already in his pink swimming trunks. He ran his hands through his hair and also grabbed his shades.

He turned around and noticed me standing in his doorway. He stared at me before he spoke, "what do you want?"

I sighed and walked towards him, "I want to apologize."

I took his arm and sat with him on his bed. "That night a few days ago, I dreamed that you would leave me. You said that you had another girlfriend who was gorgeous. You also said that I was to young and that you had needs and stuff which I couldn't give you. I dreamed it more then once and I just didn't wanted to be the one with the broken heart."

He looked at me for a few minutes until I said, "I'm sorry that I didn't told you earlier."

He didn't said anything. He just looked at me. I got up with a sigh and stood at his door way, as I turned around a pair of lips crashed onto mine.

I stumbled back and smiled into the kiss. He walked towards me step for step until I landed on my bed. He crawled on top of me, not breaking the kiss.

This was the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.

I was glad that he didn't tried 'more'. I didn't mean 'more' like more. I mean 'more' like shoving his tongue down my throat.

Suddenly I felt something poking me which made me pull away awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry," he apologized as he blushed which was the cutest thing

Well, at least I know now that he thought the kiss was as hot as I thought. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "It's fine."

"I would never leave you, I promised," he said and kissed my cheek.

I stood up and took his hand in mine when I dragged him into the yard. I let go of his hand and laid dow next to Rydel while the boys played basketball in the pool.

"What's going on between you and Ross?" She asked me curiously with a slight smirk. "What? Nothing!" I said nervously. "But you both ignored each other the past few days," she pointed out.

"Ah, no, we're good just a misunderstanding," I said with a sigh of relief. Suddenly I got lifted up by Jay who jumped with me in the pool. "Jay!" I exclaimed as I hit his chest. He laughed and swam away.

"Let's play pool volleyball!" Ryland yelled as he put the net on the pole things. "Rydel! Come on!" She shook her head, no. "Then I'll be the referee," Ratliff said and got out of the pool.

"Alright, Team Awesome are Ross, Jay & myself!" Riker said with a smirk. "Oh boy it's on! Team So-Much-Better-Then-You let's win this thing!" I yelled when I swam on the other side to my team mates Ryland & Rocky.

We high fived and got in our positions.

I saw Ross smirking at me which gave me more motivation to win this thing. Riker took the ball and punched it over the net. Ryland got it and passed it over to Rocky who passed it to me.

I smashed the ball over the net and it landed in the water. Rocky, Ryland & I cheered and high fived. "Point for team So-Much-Better-Then-You!" Ratliff yelled excitedly.

I gave Jay, Ross & Riker a 'you're-so-gonna-lose-this' look when we continued playing.


"RATLIFF!" I yelled as we were aguing if it was a goal or not. We all turned to our referee to see him making out with Rydel. All our eyes went wide and someone covered my eyes.



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