t w e n t y - s i x // Not a morning person

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Zara's POV.

"Well," I started but Ross cut me off and explained EVERYTHING to Rocky who just listened with wide eyes. "What the hell! You cheated on her? Basically in front of her?" Rocky exclaimed kinda mad at his younger brother.

"Yea, but we made up and now we're happy together," I peeped in with a smile. "First of all, you can be glad that I'm the cool one in this family and not the Riker one and also not the twin brother one so I'm okay with this."

"And if one of you ever wants to talk about relationship problems then come to me," he added before I hugged him. "Night," Rocky said and opened the door. "Thanks and night," Ross & I said with a smile.

Ross stood up to lock the door while I crawled under the covers.


"What do you mean?" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes. "It's just that you're way to young," he told me with a sigh. "But you promised me not to leave me because of my age," I argued as a tear ran dow my cheek. "Listen, you're 16 and look at me, I'm 21, famous, not bad looking and just not interested in 16 years old who can't give me what I want."

I can't believe he just said that right in my face. He promised me not to leave me because of that when I was 14 and he was 19. He broke his promise. I wouldn't mind if you just told me that he doesn't love me anymore...but age is overrated. It may be a diffrence in our age but when we're older no one will care about that anymore.

"I'm sorry shortie but I like girls my age category like my new girlfriend over there," he said as he pointed to a brunette, awesome tanned, skinny, older and taller women. Probably a model. "Fine, you're a complete asshole! I can't believe you let me believe you loved me!" I yelled in his face when I started running wherever my legs brought me.


My eyes opened immediately. I looked around to see Ross sleeping with his arm around me. I sighed and leaned back down. I'm not gonna lie but this wasn't the first dream I had like that.

I ran my hands through my hair and let out a frustrated sigh. It was just a dream, Zara. But I didn't dreamed it the first time. Suck it up and be happy. What if my dream will come true? It won't, now go to sleep.

I can't believe I'm having a conversation, in my head, with myself. I was now fully awake so I stared at the ceiling. I looked at clock and it was only 4:57am. I removed Ross' arm carefully and stood up.

I grabbed my undergarments and a pink skaterdress before I unlocked the door and made my way to the bathroom. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and my hair. I looked at the mirror and faked a smile to myself.

I washed my face with ice cold water and left the bathroom. My reflektion in the mirror made me wonder why I am who I am. I didn't choose to be like this and I really don't want to be like this.

I walked up the stairs, turned the TV on and plopped on the couch. My stomach growled so I made myself some toast and ate it. This was definitely to early for me. I took the blanket and laid on the couch as I watched some random show on TV.

"Zara, why are you up this early?" I heard someone ask. "It's 6:30am," the same voice said. I turned my head and faced Rydel who was still in her PJ. "I'm up since about two hours," I told her with a shrug.

I got up and sat on the couch properly as Rydel plopped down next to me. "And why's that?" She asked curious. I just shrugged and she said, "I'm going to make breakfast." "I already ate," I informed her as she just nodded and left into the kitchen.

I changed the channel and stopped when Phineas & Ferb was on. When I was younger I always wanted to build stuff like they do. I even tried once but my mother yelled at me even when I thought it was pretty funny.

"I'm going into the yard," I informed Rydel, who replied with an 'okay'. I opened the glass door and sat on the kinda rock we had in the yard. The view was just awesome! I could look over Los Angeles and stuff.

I pulled my legs to my chest and hugged them. I'm normally not a morning person but the sunrise is beautiful. Right when I was deep in my thoughts I felt someone putting a jacket over my shoulders as the one sat next to me.

"I thought you weren't a morning person," His voice said with a chuckle. "I'm not, thanks for the jacket it's really chilly outside," I replied as I turned my head so I could look at him.

"No problem, beautiful. I'm not a morning person either but you weren't next to me so I got worried," Ross informed me when he put his arm around me. I shook his arm off which made him look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Everyone can see us," I told him.

He sighed and folded his hands in his lap.

"Why did you woke up that early anyways?" He asked me curious.


I hate getting up early. I get up at like 12pm on weekends :D

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