t h i r t y - s e v e n // Jerks

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Zara's POV.

Rocky smirked and thought for good ten seconds before he said, "kiss your best girl friend until I say stop."

"Are we going to Laura or Maia then or what?" Ratliff asked curious. "Uhm, Ross, who's your best friend?" Rydel asked kinda worried that it wouldn't be me.

Ross looked at me and said, "Zara is." "Kiss her! Kiss her!" Rocky, Ryland & Ratliff chanted. "No! Why?" Jay asked furious. "It's a dare!" Rocky yelled over the chanting from Ryland & Ratliff before he joined them again.

"Bro, don't do that," Riker warned Ross. I just looked at the scenario as they continued arguing. "Ross it's okay, you don't need to since we have two party poopers," Rocky said after a while.

"Zara has a crush on a boy, without a name, anyways," Ratliff told them which made everyone look at me. "Who is it?" Jay asked me as he raised his eyebrows.

"No one," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Zara, who is it?" Jay asked again, sternly. "No one," I said again which made him more furious. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because," I replied with a shrug. "Is he your boyfriend?" Jay asked and everyone's eyes were on us. "maybe," I said as I tried to hide my smirk.

"Just tell me," he groaned frustrated. "why should I?" I asked him casually. "because you're my sister and I'm your brother so I need to protect you and see if he's a good guy."

"He is, now shut up."

"So he's your boyfriend?" Jay & Riker said in unison. "maybe," I replied again before Rydel & I started laughing all of sudden. "ugh!" Jay & Riker groaned as they stood up and left.

"Well, that's so not cool," I said as I snapped my fingers which made everyone left, chuckle. "I'm gonna eat some cereals," I informed them as I left to the kitchen.

I put milk and cereals in a bowl and jumped on the counter after I turned the radio on. 'Dark Side' came on and I did weird dances on the counter while I shove the cereals in my mouth.

In the middle of the song I heard someone laughing. "You're such a good dancer," Ross said chuckling as he came towards me. "why thank you."

He stood between my legs and smiled at me. "weirdo," I said as I shove another spoon full into my mouth. He chuckled again and took the spoon as he continued to eat my cereal.

"Uhm, You liked it?" I asked sarcastically as he finished eating. "Yea, thanks," he answered as we bursted out laughing. I took a banana and ate it.

"Gimme," Ross whined like a child as he opened his mouth. "nu uh," I mumbled as I shook my head rapidly. "pwease," he begged as he stuck his bottom lip out and did his puppy eyes.

"Aww, no," I said with a giggle. Suddenly he just bite into my banana and grinned. He gave me an eskimo kiss and we both just smiled.


Jay's POV.

I walked off with Riker after Zara refused to tell us who her crush/boyfriend is. I don't mind but I want to protect her and I can't when she's hiding stuff from me.

"We should stop being jerks," Riker said to me. "yea," I agreed with a nod. "And we should apologize," he added and I nodded as we went back inside. "Where is Zara?" I asked everyone who was in the living room.

"In the kitchen," Ryland answered me. Riker & I went into the kitchen to see Ross giving Zara an eskimo kiss as he stood between her legs.

"SO IT'S HIM?!" I asked yelling even though I knew the answer. Zara's eyes filled with fear as she stared at me. "Yea, so what?" She asked as she snapped out of her trance.

"I forbid you to date him," Riker said sternly. I agreed to his statement and they both looked at us with death glares. "Riker, don't do that," Rydel said from behind us. "I do! Now let each other go and go to your room Zara!" Riker said as he raised his voice.

Zara jumped off the counter and pushed past us with tears running down her cheeks. I hate to see her like that but Riker was right. "Thanks for ruining our life's!" Ross yelled at Riker and me.

He pushed past us as well and left outside. Rydel went after him but we heard a scream and followed. "What happened?" Riker asked loudly as Rydel just stood there with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open.

"R-Rydel! W-what happened?" Ryland asked terrified. "R-Ross," she said as she pointed down the road. "Rydel! Just tell us!" Rocky said as he shook her shoulders gently.

"He got kidnapped. The van pulled off all of sudden. They took him guys," she explained sobbing. "Who took who?" We heard Zara's from behind us.

"Zara, I'm so sorry," I said as I hugged her but she didn't hugged back. "Where is Ross?" She asked slowly as I pulled away to look into her eyes. I couldn't explain the expression on her face but it was a mixture of madness, sadness, shock, anxiousness and whatnot.

Riker tried to asked Rydel if she saw anything which could help us while Zara just stared into nothing. Ratliff had already called the police and my sister didn't even moved a muscle.

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