f o r t y - o n e // Youth Prison

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Zara's POV.

I looked at my lawyer in worry. "I need to go to youth prison right?" I asked worriedly even though they didn't told us the results yet.

"Zara, we did everything we could do and to be honest I don't know if you need to go or not. I'm sorry," he apologized to me. By now, I was more worried then before.

"Zara Sabrina Walker goes to youth prison for five days," the judge said before she left along with whatever the other people's job was. I buried my face in my hands and started crying.

Youth Prison will be so much harder then to just remain in custody. "Can I say goodbye to my family?" I asked but suddenly I got pulled up and my arms pulled to my back which hurt. They put me in handcuffs and pushed me towards the door.

I resisted at first and turned my head to face my worriedly looking family. They were crying, I was crying, what a day. "Let me go! That's not fair!" I yelled but they lifted me up from under my arms so I was kicking the air.

They put me in the police car and drove me to youth prison. Five days won't be that bad, right?

We arrived a few minutes later and drove through the gates. It was horrible. The brought me in and I got handed an orange overall. Well, I never thought that I would wear that.

They didn't even let me alone when I was changing. A police women was watching my every move. I handed her my clothes and I got leaded to my cell. "What can I do here?" I asked the two police women's who were bringing me to my cell.

"Kids your age are allowed to join the soccer team or the art club," the women said in a not so polite tone. "I want to do both," I told them. "Soccer is in the morning's at 10am and art at 3pm."

I nodded and we arrived at my cell. It was tiny and a metallic bed was in there wasn't even a mattress. I mean I get why they treat criminals like that but that's just horrible.

Here I am now. Sitting alone in a cell, thinking about nothing. My mind was empty I had nothing to think about everything was gone.

There was no clock so I didn't do anything. I sat on a chair I had in my room and could watch some people on the field. They were older then me and played football.

Suddenly someone punched a guy and he punched back and stuff but the police came running towards them and put them in handcuffs. I'm not afraid of anyone hurting me, nothing can hurt me anymore.

Maybe physically but not mentally.

I put my hair in a ponytail and stared at the wall.


They unlocked my cell to let me go to the huge dining room to eat dinner. I took a plate and the lady gave me a grey purée with lumps. (Is lumps the right word?)

My face turned from 'Blank' to 'Eww Bitch what's that?'

I took an Apple and water as I sat down on a empty table. I really don't want to make criminal friends...at all. "Well, hello there," I heard a guy as he sat in front of me.

I didn't said anything and picked with my fork in my so called food. "New here?" He asked and I looked up to see a not that bad looking guy around my age. I nodded at him and took a sip from my water.

"Bryan," he said as he hold put his hand. "Sabrina," I took my middle name since they don't need to know me. "Why are you here?" He asked me interested. "Murder, it was self defense though," I said with a shrug.

"Oh, I'm here for bad cyber mobbing," he told me. "Why would you do that?" I asked him already pissed because that's just not normal. "I got forced but the judge didn't believed me so that's why I'm here," he explained to me.

"For how long?" I asked him getting more interested. "Two weeks, you?" "Five days," I told him. "Are you doing art or soccer?" He asked me as he ate my apple.

"Both," I said before I stood up and grabbed myself another apple and a banana. "You?" "Both as well," he said with a grin. "Since when are you here?" I asked him. "Uhm, about a week you're here since today right?" He asked and I just nod.

"Back to your cell," a police guy said to me. "Bye," Bryan said as he waved. "Bye," I said as the police guy took me to my cell. I really have to be strong because if you're in a cell for more then a day, you'll get depressed and there different types of depression I just hope that I won't get a bad one.

I laid on that metal bed and tried to sleep. It took me hours and hours. It was really loud outside which didn't made it any less harder for me to sleep.

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