t h r e e // Skating

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Zara's POV.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked when I came down the stairs. "We could go skating after breakfast," Ross suggested.

"Yes!" We all agreed. "Zara do you want to skateboard or rollerskate?" Rydel asked me, obviously wanting me to rollerskate.

"Rollerskate," I answered which made her smile. I love rollerskating and I can't even skateboarding. "Awesome," Ratliff said when we sat down in the dining room where Stormie made us pancakes.

"Where's dad?" Rydel asked curious. "He's working out some dates for concerts," Stormie answered. "Yay!" She squealed as she clapped her hands.

"Mom, we're going skating today," Riker informed Stormie, who smiled and nodded. "Have fun," she said and left.

After we were done eating we went to the garage and searched for their rollerskates and skateboards.

"Found them!" Ratliff yelled from the farther back of the garage. "You can use my rollerskates," Ross said when he handed me his. "Thank you," I said and went to the car.

They all found their boards and Rydel her skates. We put them in the trunk and sat in the car. I sat in the back with Ryland & Ross while Rocky & Ratliff sat in the middle and Riker drove like always with Rydel in the passanger seat.


"The last time I skated was years before my Mom got pregnant with Jason," I said when I hold onto a parking sign.

"Who's Jason?" Ratliff asked me curiously. "No one," I said when I realized what I had said. They didn't know about my Mom & Jason all they knew is that I would stay here for a while.

Of course Stormie & Mark knew but they agreed not to tell everyone.

"Uhm okay," Ratliff said confused and drove off with his skateboard. Riker, Rydel, Rocky & Ryland following.

"Need some help?" Ross asked me from behind me. "Kinda," I replied, still holding onto the parking sign as tight as I could.

He hold out his hand and I grabbed it tightly. I held onto his arm with my other hand and tried to skate but it was really difficult.

Ross was on his skateboard so he pulled me with him. After about him catching me six times and me falling twice on my butt I finally knew how to skate again.

Everyone else weren't in sight anymore. "How can I skate faster?" I asked Ross who just chuckled at my question.

"Just move your legs faster," he said with a shrug. I did but I almost fell again. I held onto his hand in a friendly way and also because I needed something to hold.

"How about I skate and pull you with me?" Ross suggested with a chuckle. I nodded and he started skating faster and pulled me with him.

After about 10min we finally catched up with everyone else who where taking a break. Ross stopped me and I thanked him.

"Thanks Rydel for skating off earlier," I said sarcastically. "Sorry," she said which made both of us laugh.

"Wanna learn how to skate on a skateboard?" Ross asked me after he took a sip of his water.

"Sure," I said with a shrug.


After Ross teached me how to skate on a skateboard, all of us drove farther away from the car. After 20 more minutes we took another break and right now we're sitting on the sand.

We're at the beach by the way.

I stared at the beautiful sunset and thought about what my Mom is doing right now.

I turned around and saw Ross skating again. He saw me and did some tricks. Is he was seriously trying to impress me?

Before I thought more about it I saw a familiar face. Tears immediately fell down my cheeks. "Hey, you okay?" Rydel asked me curious.

"Can we go? Now?" I asked when I wiped my tears.

She nodded and I put my skates on. Rydel told the boys to skate back to the van and they agreed before we all skated off.

Surprisingly I was right behind Rocky who was the fastest.

I can't believe who I just saw...

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