t e n // Squirrel

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Zara's POV

"I'm...so...exhausted!" I groaned after two hours of hiking. "Just one more houre," Riker said with a chuckle.

I let out a loud groan and mentally slapped him across the face since he was the one who decided to go hiking.

A few minutes later of whining and groaning we walked through a forest. Well, there wasn't really a proper way so Riker, being his optimistic self, tried to guide us.

We ended up walking a really small and dangerous way and I, being all clumsy, had to trip over a stupid rock. I fell and twisted my ankle in progress.

I almost fell down the not so high mountainside. I was the last one so they didn't noticed me first until I let out a scream.

They all turned around in shock and Ross immediately came to me and kneeled down.

"What happened? are you okay?" He asked worried. "I tripped and twisted my ankle," I said in pain. "I'll help you up, come on," he said and wrapped his arm around my waist and held out his hand for me to take as well.

"You okay?" Rydel asked also worried. "I twisted my ankle," I explained when I wrapped my arm around Ross' neck so I could limp to everyone else.

"Can you walk?" Rocky asked being his stupid self. Rydel slapped his head and said, "grow yourself a brain." We all laughed and Rocky just shrugged.

"Maybe we should head home then," Ratliff said to everyone. "No, it's fine," I said since I knew that Riker really wanted to reach the top.

"You sure?" Ryland asked me and I just nod. Riker whispered a sweet 'thank you' in my ear before we all walked/limped off.

Good 20 minutes later we finally reached the end of the forest.

"I can't...my foot," I said to Ross. He could see the pain in my eyes. "Jump on my back," Ross said and kneeled down in front of me.

"Are you serious? I'm heavy," I said nervously. "Just jump. You're not heavy...you're perfect," he whispered the last part which made me blush slightly.

I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He placed his hands under my legs and started carried me all the way to the top.

"You're cute," I whispered in his ear. He smiled widely and I kissed his cheek when no one looked. We were the last ones so they didn't noticed.

Riker & Ryland were the first ones. Then Rocky all by himself and Ellington & Rydel were in front of us.

Rocky told me once that they're secretly dating but we never cought them kissing or stuff like that. They're good at hiding that secret until today...

Rydel saw that Ross was carrying me and a few minutes later Ratliff was carrying her. What a surprise.

"They're cute as a couple don't you think?" I asked Ross. "We're cuter," Ross agrued which made me giggle, "Sure buddy."

I saw Rydel giving Ratliff a long kiss which made me squeal loudly. "Ah! My ears!" Ross yelled when he let go of my legs which made me grip onto him tighter.

Everyone turned around and looked at us confused.

Ross placed his hands back under my legs and laughed along with me.

"We saw a squirrel," I told everyone. They groaned and continued walking. Ross & I laughed even harder when we really saw a squirrel.

"Did you guys smoke weed earlier or what?" Rydel asked sarcastically when Ross catched up with Ratliff. "Ha-ha," Ross said when he rolled his eyes.

"The question is why didn't Rydellington noticed that two awesome people saw them sucking their faces?" I asked which made Rydel blushing like mad.

Ross & I bursted out laughing.

"Well, uh," Rydel started when she jumped off of Ratliff's back.

"Everyone knew already," I said to them. "Since when?" Rydel asked less shocked then we thought she would be.

"A few weeks," Ross answered with a shrug.

I rested my head in the crock of his neck and yawned.

"WE DID IT!" I heard Riker suddenly yell. A minute later Ross did it to the top as well and sat me on the bench.

He plopped next to me exhausted and I laid my leg on his lap. Riker was to distracted by the view that I called Rocky & Ryland over.

Rocky sat down next to Ross so my foot was on his lap. Ryland just stood in front of Rocky and I asked them to check my ankle.

Rocky took my shoe off and my sock and pretended to fall unconscious which made the boys laugh. I just glared at them which made them shut up.

"Looks bad," Rocky said when he wanted to put my sock on. "Ouh! Don't!" I yelled in pain. "It's swollen," Ryland informed me.

"I have to carry her 3 hours back to the car," Ross groaned when he face palmed. "I'm sorry," I apologized. It's obvious that I feel bad for him.

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