t w e n t y // Results

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Zara's POV.

"What is it?" I asked anxious about the results.

"It's unusual but it happened before and it's just that your body can't take all the things thrown in your way. It seemed like you had an eventful week which your body couldn't take at all. Are there people who can do CPR? You know the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?" The doctor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea, me & my brothers know how to do that," Ross said with a nod. "Okay then there's nothing to worry about if this happens again that she can't breath then you or your brothers need to use CPR on her. It can be dangerous but no worries for now," the doctor said to Ross.

"Alright, can I leave?" I asked the doctor who just nodded at my question.

I stood up and walked out of the room, Ross following me. "Hey, you okay?" Ross asked when when he catched up with me. "Stop asking me that," I snapped at him.

"Woah, calm down okay? I didn't do anything," he defended himself. I stopped and looked at him, "I'm sorry." "It's okay," he said and took my hand in his.

We reached his car and got in. Ross texted Riker that we were on our way back home before we drove off. We didn't talked the whole ride at all.

We finally arrived home and Ross unlocked the front door. When we got in the first thing I knew is that Rydel came with food, Rocky with water, Ryland with a pillow, Riker with a blanket, Ratliff with a stuffed animal and Jay with ice cream.

"Seriously?" I asked when I rolled my eyes.

"How are you?"

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Guys! I'm not sick so calm your guts!" I said sternly.

"Sorry, but we were worried and didn't know what was going on," Riker defended them. I understood but I didn't wanted to talk about it.

I gave Ross the 'I-can't-explain-but-you-can' look and went to my room. I needed some rest. I changed into sweatpants and a shirt before I laid down on my bed.

I drifted off to sleep immediately.


Ross' POV.

"So that happened," I said after I explained everything to them. "That's horrible," Rydel said with tears in her eyes. "How did you felt when she was gasping for air right in front of you?" She added asking when Ratliff wiped her tears.

"I wanted to help her in any kind of way. I wanted to take the pain from her but I couldn't and it hurt to see her like that," I explained while I looked at the ground.

"I'll go see how she's doing," I added when I left to her room. I knocked at the door but didn't got an answer so I opened it and walked in her room to see her asleep on her bed.

I walked up to her and smiled a little. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before I left to my own room.


It was around 6 in the morning when we all met downstairs to eat breakfast before we start to pack the last things for our new house.

"The new house is much bigger," Jay exclaimed when he shove a pancake in his mouth. "That's the point," Ratliff said before he took a sip of his coffee.

"Okay, everyone has their car, except Jay & Zara of course so we'll use the van and my car since we can put more things in them and the other cars only drive to the house with a few boxes while the other two cars drive back and forth alright? We couldn't get a moving truck so that's how it works," Riker explained to all of us.

"Ha-ha I don't have to pack," Jay said when he stretched his arms and yawned. We laughed and Zara snapped his head, "that's why you'll help me."

He groaned and we all laughed when we got to our rooms to pack the last things. Good an hour later Riker & Ratliff started to drive the first things to our new house.

Me & Ryland packed our things in my car while Jay, Zara & Rydel packed everything in Rydel's car and the rest in Rocky's. We drove to the new house and carried our boxes in our rooms.

Later that day when we had every box in our new home Ratliff, Jay, Rocky & Riker drove off to bring the TV's and chairs and stuff.

I let my last box down on the ground and looked at the walls. The awesome drawing's from Zara & I. The most beautiful one is the one where we skate.

We went back upstairs to help the others with the stuff my brothers brought here. Minutes past...Hours past and around 1 in the morning we were finally done.

"I'm. Going. To Beeeeed," Zara said when she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "after I took a shower," she said in disgust which made as laugh.

"Me too," Rydel said and went upstairs. "me three," Rocky said and followed Rydel upstairs. They had three bathrooms so Riker left as well. "I'm going too," I said to Ryland, Ratliff & Jay who were left over.

I went downstairs and grabbed a towel before I entered our bathroom. I heard the other shower going on right when I walked in.

"Ryland is that you?" I heard Zara asked from the other side. "No, it's Ross," I said when I got in the shower. She replied with a simple 'oh' before it went silence except the water crashing to the ground and on my body.

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