t h i r t y - e i g h t // Stabbed

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Rydel's POV.

It's been 20 hours since Ross got kidnapped. Zara's been a mess since she found out. She didn't talked with anyone.

"We found out about a possible location where we found the car you'd described to us. We'll see if he's there," a police men told me as we were all in the living room with the police.

Zara was sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest as she leaned against the wall.


"We're sorry but our search wasn't successful," the police informed us as we waited patiently. Our hopes crashed down and we plopped on the couches.

two days later

Zara is in a bad condition. She did slept but she cut once. Only one cut but I stopped her right as I caught her. Right now most of us were asleep until Zara started screaming.

Everyone's eyes opened and she jumped up. "I know where he is!" She said, her first words in three days. "It was just a dream, I doubt you know where he is," Riker said softly but she shook her head.

"Please," she begged and Riker gave in before we jumped in our car. Zara told Riker were to drive until we arrived at an old, abandoned wooden house near the woods. Nobody's been living here.

We got out and Zara went in first but Riker pushed her back. I could see her glaring at Riker as I gripped onto Ratliff's hand. Suddenly we heard a scream and ran to the room where it came from. Before I even noticed Zara opened a door and we heard a scream again.

I covered my mouth as I saw Zara holding a knife. A naked middle aged men stood there in shook as Zara stepped closer to him. Ross was tied up on a bed also naked.

Oh my god!

Riker went quickly to untie Ross and helped him to put his clothes on as Jay called 911.

Ross' POV.

I screamed as he entered me for the sixth time in those three days. Suddenly the door got pushed open and I saw Zara who immediately grabbed a knife.

Riker untied my arms and legs and helped me to put my clothes on. My eyes hurt from all the crying. I may be a man but when you get...you know, then you would cry too.

Riker was holding me close as I sobbed. "Zara," I said quietly but she still heard. Her body relaxed but tensed as the guy took a step towards her.

"I'm not scared of a ten year old," the guy whose name I don't even know, said with a smirk. Zara gripped onto the knife like her life would be on the line. She could barely hurt a fly. She wouldn't do this...would she?

"Don't come closer!" Zara raised her voice furious. The guy stepped closer and she gripped tighter, her knuckles turning white. "Zara, don't do this. He's not worth it," Jay said terrified.

Suddenly the guy grabbed her wrist but she stabbed him which made him fall on the ground, holding his wound in pain. Everyone gasped and the police stormed in.

The police took the knife and forced Zara to get into the police car. Her eyes were cold and the green disappeared. I've never saw her acting like this. We all got leaded out and the ambulance ran inside.

"You okay son?" A police guy asked. I shook my head, no. He took me to the ambulance and asked me questions. I heard Rydel sobbing as she stood in front of the police car.

"How often did he..?" The guy asked. "6 times." He sighed and patted my shoulder as they took me into the ambulance. "No! I need to see her!" I screamed as they closed the doors.

The doors opened again and Rydel came as they drove off. I started crying. I don't cry often. Rydel hugged me and I hugged her back as she cried into my shoulder. "What will happen to her?" I asked her.

"I have no idea," she answered with a sigh.

Zara's POV.

I had to...

It was self defense!

They let Riker in the car with me as they drove off, letting my brother, Ratliff, Rocky & Ryland behind. "I need to see him," I said sobbing. "Zara, you will soon."

"Am I going to youth prison?" I asked him right when the police men opened the door and pulled me out. Riker couldn't even answer me before I got lead to a room.

"I'm going to ask you some questions," a guy said as he sat down in front of me. I nodded and waited for him to go on. "Why did you stabbed this guy?" "It was self defense! He raped my...best friend and wanted to take my wrist but I stabbed him."

"We just got the message that the guy is dead. You have to remain in custody."

My eyes widened and they took me away and handed me blue clothes like the ones you wear in prison but not in orange. I needed to wear them in blue because the blue ones are for the ones who remain in custody. I'm 15 so I could go to youth prison. I don't want to spend my life in prison! I sat on the hard bed and started crying. I need to see Ross!

What have I done! I killed a human!


Do you think she's going to youth prison?
If yes, then how long do you think?
I texted my crush today, he saw the message and didn't answered so you probably know how I'm feeling

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