f o r t y - f o u r // Wisdome Teeth

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A few weeks later

Zara's POV.

It's been a few weeks since I'm back home and surprisingly everything was just fine except for my nightmares. No one knows about them because I don't want anyone to worry. I didn't had anger problems at all except for one time...

Riker was forbidding me to go with Ross to the beach, alone. Then Ross did a video on snapchat with some girl and she was flirting with him and so was Ross. I got angry even though I didn't wanted it to be.

He even took her home and I got to meet her. She was definitely to flirty with my man so I snapped at her and whatnot until she left. Ross was angry at me but I didn't really cared. I slammed every door I went through and threw a picture of us against my room wall.

Ross came and calmed me down and we ended up forgiving each other with a simple make out session. ;)

Today wasn't a good day because I get my wisdom teeth out. I was seriously freaking out. "Calm down babe," Ross said as he pulled into the parking lot of the dentist. Riker & Jay came with us because Jay gets his wisdom teeth out as well.

He was kinda calm.

We got out and went inside. "Who'll get first?" The women at the counter asked us once we told her our names and whatnot. "I will," Jay said confidently. He got lead to a room and Riker, Ross & I waited at the waiting room.

"I'm scared...I'm freaking scared," I whispered to myself even though I'm pretty sure the boys heard. "It'll be fine," Riker assured me and not even 20 minutes later Jay came outside with some I guys cotton stuff in his mouth.

"Zara," the hot guy asked as he smiled sweetly. I stood up and followed him to a room.


"Ow! Ow!" I groaned as I walked out of the room. My mouth was stuffed and I couldn't talk. I was in a bad mood. I saw the boys and tried to speak clearly, "fuwk dis hid em ut!" (Fuck this shit I'm out).

"What?" Riker asked as he stood up along with Ross & Jay. I repeated it but they still didn't understood. I mumbled some words and walked to the car. I moaned in pain all the time and so did Jay.

This time Riker drove the car with Ross in the passenger seat. "Say something guys," Ross said as he held the camera in our faces. "Hut de fuwk p!" I yelled annoyed. (Shut the fuck up)

Jay mumbled some words as well and Ross just laughed as he was still recording us. A few minutes later Jay & I were fighting even though we didn't knew about what because we couldn't understand each other. Ross & Riker were laughing uncontrollably and of course Ross was still filming us until we got home.

"Wyde!" I yelled, meaning 'Rydel'. We walked to the living room to see everyone just chilling. "How was it?" Rocky asked me with a smirk. I blabbered some words and slapped his head, making everyone laugh.

"Nu uny!" I yelled, meaning 'not funny'. Rydel was watching MTV and really good music was on so I laid on the couch and tried to sing along. "Babe, take some rest," Ross said and lifted me up before he placed me on his lap.

I sighed, not wanting to argue with anybody because they wouldn't understand. I continued to sing along but Ross knows how to make me fall asleep. He rubbed up and down my back and kissed my temple.

"Ont ake me all aflee," I whined, meaning 'don't make me fall asleep'. Ross chuckled and kissed my temple again. Somehow he managed to make me fall asleep and I had a weird dream of me being a fish.


The next day I ate an unreal amount of ice cream. I googled about the psychiatry were Hakeem was in. I need to know what happened because I don't really belief that he just died. I want pictures from the time shortly before he died. I can't describe the pain I have in my heart. I may not know him and I never will but he still is a part of my life.

"Watcha doing?" Rocky asked as he plopped down next to me. I shut my phone off and shrugged, "nothing." He raised an eyebrow and shrugged as we waited for everyone else to cone down. We really wanted to go to the new shoe store around the corner but everything will be sold out if they won't come down now.

"Babe did you saw my shirt?" Ross asked as he came into the living room, shirtless. It made me smile every time he called me babe. "No," I lied and gripped the shirt I held behind my back, tighter. "You sure?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a stupid smirk on his face.

I nodded and suddenly he tickled me which made me loose the grip on his shirt. "Now what is this then?" He asked and held the shirt in his hands. I shrugged and he tickled me again making me laugh loudly.

He stopped and put his plain white shirt on. "Bu the way, is that mine?" He asked curiously and pointed to the shirt I was wearing. It was plain white just like Ross'. "Maybe," I teased and giggled as he kissed my cheek and helped me up. He wore blue jeans just like me along with black converse. I swear this wasn't planned.

Everyone came down and we drove to the new shop. Hundreds of people were already there and came out with lots of bags and huge grins on their faces. "C'mon!" I yelled as I got out of the car and grabbed Ross' hand as I dragged him into the crowded store.

We all kinda split up and looked around on our own. "Those in women size 9.5, please," I said to the guy who was working here. He nodded and left. I tried them on and the fit perfectly. I was in heaven. I realized that I only had 200$ with me but I already picked four pares of shoes.


I love shoes! 😍

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