t w e n t y - e i g h t // Ugh Ratliff

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Zara's POV.

"RATLIFF!" I yelled as we were arguing if it was a goal or not. We all turned to our referee to see him making out with Rydel. All our eyes went wide and someone covered my eyes.

"Seriously? I'm almost 15 don't you think I've ever did that too," I said when I rolled my eyes. Either Rocky or Ryland removed their hands and they all looked at me with curious eyes. "What?" I asked when I held my hands up in surrender.

"When? How old where you? Do we know him?" Ryland asked curious and excited. I ignored these question and got out of the pool. I took a bucket and filled it with ice cold water before I dropped the water over Rydel & Ratliff.

They pulled away immediately and I jumped back in the pool while everyone, except Rydellington, were laughing. I got some high fives and they just rolled their eyes.

"Why did you do that?" Ratliff asked when he crossed his arms over his chest. "The question is why did you do that?" I asked also with my hands corssed over my chest.

"Ratliff you're the referee you can't do that again," Rocky said when he also crossed his arms over his chest. "Do you want to forbid me to kiss my girlfriend?" Ratliff asked more annoyed then before.

"As long as we play the game, yes!" I raised my voice. "Calm down Zara," Rydel said to me. "How can I calm down? Rocky & I trusted Ratliff for this game," I said and Rocky agreed.

"Oh yea? Well, I don't care!" Ratliff raised his voice a little mad. "Whatever, go suck Rydel's face! I don't care!" I yelled this time also with sadness. I don't know where that came from.

"Jealous Bitch," Ratliff muttered which made me more furious. "Ratliff, you & Rydel should go inside now," Rocky said sternly since he was the only one who heard what Ratliff said, except for Rydel who was next to Ratliff.

Ratliff scoffed, took Rydel's hand and dragged her inside with him.

"You okay?" Rocky asked whispering. "Sure," I lied and grabbed the ball. Everyone's eyes where on me but I couldn't care less right now. "Wow, I didn't pictured my birthday like this," Riker muttered as he rolled his eyes.

"You know what? I'm going, I'll be back later for dinner," I said as I got out of the pool and slipped my flip flops. I took my summer dress I left downstairs, put it on and left the house.

I kinda overreacted and I'm sorry but I won't let one of my friends call me a 'jealous bitch'.

I wasn't in the mood to ran away so I just sat next to the tree in our front yard.

A few minutes later the door opened and someone sat next to me. "I'm sorry that I called you a jealous bitch," no one else then Ratliff apologized. "I'm sorry for overreacting," I apologized when I looked at him.

"It only hurt you because you're in love as well," he said with a sympathetic smile. "Yes, Wait! WHAT!?" I asked curious, confused & what not. "I don't know who the lucky guy is but I can see it in your eyes," he told me honestly.

"There's no one," I argued with him. "We both know that you just lied, right in my face," Ratliff said laughing. I chuckled and kinda gave in by saying, "I am in love."

"Who is it?" Ratliff asked excitedly. "You know...this guy...I met," I said with a shrug. "Does...this guy...you met...have a name?" "Nope," I said and stood up to escape his questions.

He stood up as well and through my over his shoulders. "Ratliff! Let me down!" I screamed laughing. He went inside and of course like everyone else he throw me in the pool.

I groaned and pulled my dress off. "Why do you annoying people always throw me in the pool?!" I asked literally everyone. "It's fun," they all replied with a shrug. "By the way, sorry Riker for ruining your birthday," I apologized.

"No, it's fine don't apologize," he said. Right when I wanted to to argue Ryland put his hand over my mouth. "Just leave it like that," he said as I bit his finger. "Ouch!" He exclaimed and tackled me.

I swam away, laughing.

We spend the rest of the day playing basketball, volleyball and stuff until it was getting really late. We already ate so we all laid down with our shades on and our eyes closed.

"I'm so full," I said with a groan. "Haha, yea you need to eat less you're getting chubby," Ratliff said with a chuckle. I got up and stared at him in shock. No one else really cared except for Rydel who got up as well.

Tears brimmed in my eyes. I wouldn't mind strangers calling my things but I do mind when a person I love and respect is calling me things.

I got up, flashed Rydel a smile and went inside. I decided to suck it up and grabbed the glow sticks, Rydel & I bought for Riker's birthday. "You okay?" I heard Rydel's voice asking.

"Sure, I just grabbed the glow sticks we bought."


Oh Ratliff you really don't know how to treat a girl ;)

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