t h i r t y - t h r e e // I did

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Zara's POV.

"Don't play dumb! Why did you texted us those things?" I heard Rydel in the backround. "I didn't do anything! Kyra took my phone!" I explained sobbing, "all of my conversations are deleted. I swear I had nothing to do with this."

"Is that true?" Riker asked and I could hear the guilt in his voice. "Yes! Guys, she took my phone and my room is an attic."

"Oh my god, Zara we're so sorry!" Rydel said guilty. "Why would you even think that I would do that?" I asked crying. "We're so sorry." "Of course you are. I'm disappointed that you thought I would hurt any of you in any way."

"I better do something else now. I don't want to hear anything from you. I can't believe it!" I hung up and turned my phone off because I don't want my phone to have low battery when I need it.

Even Jay thought I would do that! I put the phone into the drawer and turned around to see Mark. "I'll take my flight at 5pm. You okay?" He askes curious. "Sure."

He gave me a plate with bacon and stuff and I thanked him before I ate it. After I ate I decided to write Stormie a letter, since she's the only one who never disappointed me.

"Can you give this to Stormie?" I asked Mark after he packed his things. "Of course," he said and put it in his luggage. "I'll be leaving at 2:45pm so I won't have to face Kyra. I wrote her a letter, it's on the counter in the kitchen."

I nodded and we talked a while.

"How are you going to make it up to them?" I asked him curious as I took a sip of ice tea. "I really don't know yet but I'm gonna buy Stormie a necklace and hope she'll forgive me."

"She won't forgive you if you only buy her a necklace, you know that right?" I asked him hoping that he won't ruin his chance. "I know," he said with a sigh. "And I'm pretty sure Riker will be really mad and the others too but you need to give them some time."

"Thanks Zara," he said with a smile. "No problem, you better go now," I said as I looked at the clock. It was already 2:50pm. "Ouh, yea, bye Zara!" He said as he took his luggage and hugged me quickly.

He opened the door and left.

Here I am, all alone. I would've ran away but why should I? Kyra is my guardian and she's the one who can tell me where to live. I sat on the couch when the door opened and Kyra came in with a smile.

"Hey honey, where is Mark?" She asked happily. "He left to be with his family," I spat at her. "What!? Did you had something to do with it?" She asked yelling. "I sure did, he loves Stormie and he can't give up that easy!"

"You're gonna regret this!" She screamed at me. "Go to your room! NOW!" I laughed and said, "you mean to the attic? Sure, see ya!"

She followed me up the stairs and stopped me before I got up the ladder. "Don't ever talk to me like that!" She said with a smirk before her hand collided with my cheek. I got up the ladder and when I was in the attic she took the ladder and laughed.

"Have fun up there!" She yelled and left.

"KYRA! Let me down!" I yelled but she didn't respond. I let out a scream of frustration and started crying. Why is she like that?


"Happy Birthday! my little girl is 15 now!"

I opened my eyes to see Kyra standing next to my so called 'bed'. My back hurt real bad. I looked at the clock to see that it was 5:30am. "Let me alone," I grumbled annoyed.

"I'm going to work now," she said mad. Before she left she pinched me in my cheek. Her nails digged in my skin and I let out a scream. She laughed and left quickly.

I stood up and wanted to leave downstairs so I could use the bathroom but she let the ladder fall. Suddenly I tasted blood. Worriedly, I went to the little mirror and saw that my cheek was bleeding.

The blood dropped on the carpet and on my PJ. Tears streamed down my face as well and I let myself fall on the 'bed'. The pain shot through my body and my body started trembling.

Worst Birthday ever.

I'm gonna get out off here, anytime soon so I have to make the best out of it...even though there's nothing good. I saw a box in the corner of the attic. I took it, sat on my bed and opened it.

I saw lots of pictures. I took them out curiously and saw Kyra on a few of them with another men who looked like I knew him...wait...that was John, my real father.

The next thing I saw broke my heart into millions of pieces. It was a picture of Kyra's ultrasound. It had a letter with it.

Dear future Kyra,
Do you see that? These are your baby's.

The next thing I read couldn't be the truth!


I'm going to watch the scorch trails in like two hours and I can't waaaait!

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