t w e n t y - n i n e // That's why I love you

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Zara's POV.

"Sure, I just grabbed the glow sticks we bought," I told her and she smiled. "I'll talk to him later," she said and we left to where the boys were.

I threw each one of the boys a package with glow sticks and their mood lightened immediately. They all jumped up and threw them in the pool. They were as happy as five year olds on christmas.

We grabbed each others hands, first on the left side Ratliff, then Rydel, Riker, Jay, Moi, Ross, Rocky & Ryland. Ross intertwined our fingers and I smiled up at him. Rydel had put a camera on a table to take a picture.

We jumped all in the pool and cheered. Everyone went to look at the picture and Ross took that as his chance to steal a kiss from me. I giggled and we looked at the awesome picture.

This day wasn't perfect at all but awesome!


"RIKER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "What!?" He yelled from his room. "Can we go jet skiing!?" I asked excitedly while I went up the stairs to his room.

"I don't think so," he said as I entered his room. "But Riker," I whined with puppy eyes. "You're not allowed to drive on your own anyways," he told me as he put his phone away. "But I can drive with one of you and it'll be fun, Riker please," I begged.

"Fine, tell everyone," he said and went to his wardrobe to take out his swimming trunks. "YAY!" I screamed and hugged him from behind before I ran next door which was Rydel's room.

"Rydel, bikini, beach, jet ski, now!" I yelled and ran to Ratliff, Rocky & Jay who where a little less excited as me but still pretty excited. I ran downstairs to Ryland's room and saw him laying on his bed.

"Bro, grab your swimming trunks and come on we're going jet skiing," I said and left to Ross room. I ran in, went to his wardrobe took out his pink swiming trunks and threw them in his face.

"Get ready," I said when I turned around to look at him. I gulped when I saw our neighbors girl, who was a model, sitting with him in his bed. "Uhm, sorry, I didn't know you were busy."

I left before he could say something. They're just friends...right? What if my dream will come true? I know I should've break up with him. This is no fun for my nerves.

I grabbed my red bikini, Stormie gave me once because she thought it looked hot. After she realized what she said about the bikini she wanted to bring it back to the store because she didn't wanted me to look hot at all. You know, those mother instincts.

It was weird and funny but she let me keep it.

I looked in my body mirror and but my hair in a bun. I put my shades on top of my head when the door opened a little. "What. Do. You. Waaant?" I asked with an annoyed sigh since I knew it would be Ross.

He came to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "She's just a friend, way to old for me and I talked to her because she likes Riker," he explained to me in a calm voice.

"Okay," I said with a shrug. "You're not mad?" He asked curious. "Why should I? I believe you when you say that she's just a friend." "That's why I love you," he said with a smile. My eyes widen and I turned around to look at him.

"I mean...yea, uhm," he scratched the back of his neck and flashed me a shy smile. "I love you," he repeated which made my heart melt. It was silence for a few minutes. His smile turned into a frown and he left the room before you could've said 'Pizza'.

I sighed and ran after him in his room. Our neighbor left, I guess. I entered his room to see him staring out of the window. I walked up to him and stared out of the window as well.

I turned to him to see his sad expression which made my heart broke. I grabbed both of his cheeks so that he was looking at me. "I love you too," I whispered and I seriously had no idea why I had tears in my eyes.

"Why were you so shocked when I told you that I love you?" I asked kinda hurt. Right when I wanted to answer I heard Riker yelling from upstairs, "ZARA! ROSS! WE'RE LEAVING!"

I grabbed Ross by the hand, ran down the hall and up the stairs. I let go of him when the others could see us. I looked at Ross and saw that he had his swimming trunks on. I didn't noticed him putting them on.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Jay asked kinda curious. "He didn't found his swimming trunks," I lied and they just nodded, not really caring.

I grabbed the dress from yesterday which was laying on the couch and slipped it on along with the flip flops. We all got in the car since we were to lazy to walk 10 minutes down the road.

"Jay & Zara with who do you guys want to drive?"

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