f i f t y - f i v e // Red Bikini

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Zara's POV.

I put my red bikini on and looked into my body mirror.

I grabbed my red bikini, Stormie gave me once because she thought it looked hot. After she realized what she said about the bikini she wanted to bring it back to the store because she didn't wanted me to look hot at all. You know, those mother instincts.

It was weird and funny but she let me keep it.

I stumbled back as I had this short flashback. I almost lost my balance so I sat on my bed and buried my fave in my hands. "Zara!? You ready?" Jay asked from outside. I didn't answered and put short shorts along with a crop top and flip flops on.

I opened the door and walked past Jay who followed me upstairs. "You okay?" Jay asked and I just nodded. "We're leaving!" Rydel yelled as she saw the both of us and a few 'okay's echoed before we drove with Jay's jeep to the beach. Yea, he has a car now.

As we arrived at the beach shortly after Rydel told me that we would be jet skiing and I was head over heels. I never tried it, well...I guess?

Jay gave me a vest and I put it on before we got on a jet ski. I drove with Jay and Rydel drove alone. Although before we started Rydel whispered something to Jay which wasn't audible for me to hear.

"You ready?" Jay asked.

"You ready?" Ross asked me.
"I was born to be ready," I replied which made him chuckle. He drove off and we laughed a lot.

"You know, earlier, I was just shocked. I never really told people that I love them because I don't want to get hurt. Like my Mom, she just left and I'm scared that things like that happen again."

"And I really don't like to express my feeling at all," I added a little quiter. "It's okay, I just thought that I said it to early and that you don't love me back," he said as I leaned my head on his back.

"I do love you back," I whispered in his ear.

I started coughing and started freezing even though it was pretty hot outside. I ignored it and Jay already drove of, he didn't noticed. I saw Rydel giving Jay some kind of sign and within a few minutes we arrived at some cliffs.

"Let's go cliff jumping!"

Jay & Rydel dragged me up the cliff before I could protest. Rydel jumped first and I stared at Jay in shock. "No," I said firmly. "I'll hold your hand," Jay assured me and grabbed my hand.

I sighed and we jumped.

"Jump," Ross said with a nod. I did and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Is this really a good idea?" I asked unsure. "It is," he said and took of to the end of the cliff. He jumped and suddenly kissed me while we were in the air.

My body collided with the water and soon I swam to the surface to be greeted by Rydel & Jay who were smiling at me. "How was it?" Rydel asked excitedly. "Good," I muttered and sat back on the jet ski wanting to go home.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked confused. "STOP! You guys did it on purpose! You knew that there would be a chance for me to remember stuff on his little 'trip'! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I screamed at them which took them by surprise.

"I don't want any Ross flashbacks! I WANT IT TO STOP!" I screamed again and sped off leaving them behind.


Rydel's POV.

"Riker, we need to find her!" I said into the phone with tears in my eyes. "Riker what's going on?" I heard a voice from the other line. Ross. "Zara is missing."

"WHAT?! Since when?!" Ross yelled and soon he was on the phone instead of Riker. "Since when Rydel? Where are you?" Ross asked worriedly. "Since good two hours and we're still at the beach."


"I'm sorry Ross."

Ross hung up and I knew that they would be on their way right now. "It's all my fault," I mumbled as a tear rolled down my cheek. "It's not. Zara's just confused and mad for what happened to her. She doesn't know what to do with all the informations thrown at her," Jay comforted me.

"How is it possible for you to be six years younger then me?" I asked since he was pretty calm and optimistic about this situation. Jay shrugged and soon my brothers and Ratliff ran towards us.

"I'm so sorry! It was my idea to bring her here and I should have known that she would freak out," I rushed with my words as Riker embraced me in a hug. "Yea, you should have," Ross muttered and walked off leaving us behind staring at him.

"Let's just look for her," Ryland suggested and we all agreed before we split up and started looking for Zara.


Short filler ;)

I want this book to end soon :o

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