f i f t y - f o u r // Telling Everything

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Zara's POV.

"What?" Rydel asked confused. "It's mine," Ross peeped in making Rydel looking around uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I didn't know," Rydel apologized quickly. "Uhm, it's okay," I assured her and sat on the couch next to Jay & my dad.

"Zara can we talk?" Ross asked uncomfortable in this situation. "Uhm..." I thought about it and nodded slowly which made him smile. He gestured me to follow him until we went in my room and sat on my bed.

"I still love you," Ross started and I let out a sigh. "I figured."

"I just can't stay away from you what do you expect from me!" He suddenly raised his voice at me. "No need to yell at me!" I almost yelled back. "Why not? You don't love me anymore nor do you remember who I am! Fuck!" He yelled and ran his hands through his hair.

"Fuck you," I whispered and ran out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house. "Where are you going!?" I heard someone yelling. "Away!" I yelled and ran as fast as I could.

I stopped awhile later but saw Rydel close behind me, gasping for air. "Man Zara! You're. So. Fast," she said and breathed heavily. "Sorry but I didn't wanted anyone to follow," I told her politely. "I'm sorry for what Ross did," she apologized.

"It's fine, it's wasn't your fault. It was his, obviously," I told her with a small smile as we sat on a bench. "I want to know Rydel," I whispered as I looked at her. "You do? Are you sure?" She asked unsure herself. I nodded and so did she before she took a deep breath and started to tell me stuff from my past.


I was crying endlessly in Rydel's arms. I can't believe what happened.

"do you still love Ross?" She asked me curious. "I don't think so," I told her honestly and she nodded sadly. "I hoped you would," she admitted sadly. I didn't know what to do anymore. I don't know who I am!

"The thing is we'll be going to LA pretty soon I guess our flight is in two or three days and we really want you to come," Rydel said as we made our way back home. What could go any wronger then it already is right?

"I'm coming with."

<><><> a few days later

The only rooms I entered in this actually beautiful house are mine, Jay's and the kitchen of course. Yea, I had to go through halls and to the bathroom also I made it into the living room twice.

I didn't know if it was the right idea to come to LA with them. I sleep a lot since I got here. Well, I mostly stay awake when everyone is sleeping. Yea call me a vampire, whatever but I want to be alone.

I need to clear my mind and take in my surroundings so I can try to remember...me.

They wanted to take me to some places but I didn't wanted to, at least not yet but I know that Rydel and Jay will force me to go to the beach with them tomorrow. I agreed after a good hour of arguing.

It was already 4am when I took a shower and changed into a pyjama onesie I found in the wardrobe. I wasn't tired at all so I spend the time watching out of the window to look over the amazing city with the incredible lights.

How can I not remember such beauty?

I heard soft footsteps from outside my room. They got louder by each step and I just stared out if the window. Who could it be except for someone who lives here? My door slowly opened and a dark shadow made it's way towards me.


I turned my head and faced a tired looking Jay. "What are you doing? Why aren't you asleep?" He asked with a frown. "I can't. I want to remember Jay," I admitted as I teared up a bit. He sat next to me and pulled me into his arms.

"You will remember Zara. Just believe."

How did I got so lucky to have a twin brother like him? Although I know that we are actually triples. I closed my eyes and sleep took over me immediately.


"Aww, brother and sister love," I heard a girls voice saying. "That's why I heard footsteps at night," I guess Ross? said. "Why were you awake at that time?" Riker asked curiously. "Uhm-" Ross started but someone's groan made everyone quiet.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jay's raspy voice asked from above me. I opened my eyes as well and stared at them. "We wanted to wake you but you weren't here so we figured that you would be with your sister," Ryland explained and Jay just nodded.

"We're going to the beach tomorrow remember?" Rydel asked with a grin. "How could I forget," I mumbled and got up. "We're going to the beach?" Ratliff asked confused. "Not you silly. We talked about it that only Jay, Zara & I will go," Rydel explained and the boys nodded understanding.

"Let's home her messed up mind will put the pieces together," Ross mumbled and left the room. "Will you get together with Ross again?" Rocky asked with a raised eyebrow. "Will ya? Will ya? Will ya?!"

I groaned, stomped my foot and left to get ready. I entered the bathroom and brushed my teeth following by changing into the clothes I left here at night. I wore some blue short shorts along with a white shirt and white converse.

I didn't wanted to go to the beach at all. What if when I remember something? What if it's something I don't even want to remember?


Sorry for the long wait but school is really getting to me rn and I barely have time to write anymore.


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