t w e n t y - o n e // call her. ask her.

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Zara's POV.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Shit! I forgot my clothes.

I walked to the door but bumped into a body before I could exit. I looked to see Ross with only a towel around his waist. I stared at his abs and couldn't look away anymore.

"Forget your clothes too, huh?" He asked with a chuckle. "Uhm, yea," I mumbled awkwardly when I snapped out of my trance. I really have to say that he's damn hot.

"Why, thank you," he said with a chuckle. "Oh my god, did I really...I gotta go," I said and left the bathroom, feeling embarrassed. I made it to my room and locked the door. I changed into a PJ and laid on my bed.

I was scared of having an attack again so I unlocked the door again and let it open a little so they could at least hear me if something happens. I searched for something to cuddle with but nothing was there.

I looked through my room until I found the stuffed animal Ratliff offered me yesterday. I laid in my bed and cuddled with it before I drifted off to sleep.


A few days later

It's so weird to be around Ross. I basically try to ignore him and I know he gets frustrated sometimes but I can't talk to him about what had happened.

My breathing is normal and nothing happened to me in these few days, which is a good sign.

"It's so boooring!" Ratliff whined. "let's play some video games," Ryland suggested and the boys all grabbed a controller and started yelling at each other.

Rydel was reading a gossip magazine and I was sucking at my water bottle for good ten minutes now. I didn't even drank half of it.

Suddenly one of the boys turned the sound really loud and the banging in the video game made me jump. The water from my bottle made me soaking wet.

Everyone looked at me and I just groaned and ran off to my room. I undressed myself and decided on wearing a floral dress which only reached to my lower thigh.

I sighed and jumped on my bed right before I heard a knock at the door. I crossed my legs and groaned, "what?"

The door opened and I expected to see Rydel but of course I was wrong. "we need to talk," he said and I groaned again. "why? There's nothing to talk about," I said to him and I sat on my bed properly.

"There's plenty to talk about," he said with his eye brown raised and his head nodding. I buried my face in my hands. "then start with whatever you want to say," I said when I grabbed my stuffed animal.

"Okay, uhm...the thing is that...I kinda cheated and-" he started but I cut him off. "dude, I know you cheated, I was there...you said it right in my face," I said the last part quieter.

"I know, that was the worst thing I've ever done! I don't know why I was that stupid," he said with sadness in his eyes. "I have a question, well two if you answer the first question with a 'yes'," I said and looked directly into his eyes.

He nodded, "ask away."

I played with my fingers and looked down in my lap. "did you had sex with her?" I asked kinda hoping he would say no. "Yes," he answered guiltily.

I sighed and asked the question I didn't wanted to ask. "is she pregnant?"

"No, I mean I don't know, I didn't talked to her," he answered honestly. I gulped and did the right thing, "call her. ask her."

"I...okay," he nodded and pulled out his phone. He put it on loud speaker and a few seconds later a girly voice picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey, uhm, It's Ross."

"Oh hey sexy," he said into the phone all flirty and stuff. "I wanted to ask something," Ross said nervously. "of course, I'll marry you!" She yelled into the phone.

I face palmed, how can a girl be so stupid?

"Uhm no, I was asking if you're pregnant?" Ross asked more nervous then like two seconds ago. I heard a sigh on the other line. Oh no! Please!

"Yes, I am pregnant," the voice said. You could hear the honest in her voice. It was true. He fucking made her pregnant!


Oh god Ross! Whyyyyyy? ;)

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