t h i r t y - f i v e // Court Day

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Ross' POV.

Today is court day. We were already there and waited for Kyra & Zara. Our lawyer told us that if Kyra did hurt Zara in any kind of way, we'll win this 100%.

We waited until a blonde lady with high heels and short dress came towards us. I've never saw Kyra before and I never wanted to. "Kyra Walker," she introduced herself as she flicked her hair.

"Wait! Where is Zara?" John asked her. "Oh hey John, it's so nice to see you," she said in a high pitched tone. The doors opened and we got leaded to our seats. Let's just hope we'll win this...


Right now, it seems like no one is winning. The judge is telling the police to bring Zara in the condition she is in right now. We have no idea what condition that would be but we hope it's a good one.

It took them twenty minutes until the door opened. We all gasped as we saw Zara with blood on her face, arms & hands. She looked like she didn't slept for weeks and was really pale. She lost lots of weight too.

"Miss Walker, what did this lady do to you?" The judge asked, also shocked. "She...she did horrible things," Zara chocked out. "What things would that be?" The judge asked for more informatioms.

"She slapped me with her belt until I started bleeding. She digged her fingers in my skin until I started bleeding. I have this weird attacks where I can't breath and she just laughed. I had those attacks twice and...and she...she let me starve. I was in an attic and she took the ladder for a few days so I couldn't...eat, drink or anything else," Zara explained sobbing which made everyone in the room gasp.

"LIAR!" Kyra yelled furious. Zara chuckled, "I'm the liar? Was it me who never told us that Jay & I aren't twins? Because we were triples! You didn't told John or anyone else! You let him die! You let him die for god sakes!" Zara screamed right in Kyra's face. I didn't know that her weak body could scream that loud.

Jay couldn't stop the tears. No one really could.

"I want to go back to my real family," Zara begged the judge crying. "Miss Walker, you may take a seat over there," the judge said as he pointed to a few chairs. Zara did as told and the judges went to talk about what should be the end of this.


"Kyra Ann Walker goes to prison for 15 years. Zara Sabrina Walker is allowed to live with Riker Lynch, and siblings, as her legal guardian since her father lives in another state."

We knew that Riker would be her legal guardian because she wanted to live with us and her father is going to stay in Colorado just like Mom & Dad. John was okay with this and so was Riker so everything was fine.

The judge talked to Zara for a while and after the trial the ambulance came to take her to the hospital. We drove behind and didn't really talked that much at all.

When we arrived at the hospital they told us to wait and we did. "so I'm a father of triples? Zara needs to tell us what she found out," John said with a sigh.

Good, two hours later Zara came towards us with a doctor. She immediately hugged Mom and cried into her shoulder. "She only has a few bruises and some cuts but she's okay," the doctor informed us and left.

"I wanna go home," Zara said sobbing. "It's okay honey, let's go," Mom said and leaded her to the cars. Mom, Dad & John are going to leave in a few hours. Mom drove with Zara in the passenger seat and me, Jay & Rydel in the back.

Dad drove in the other car with John in the passenger seat and Ratliff, Rocky, Riker & Ryland in the back. I hope Zara will be okay.

Zara's POV.

"Okay, we're here," I heard Stormie saying right when the car stopped. We all got in our house and gathered in the living room. I sat down and everyone's eyes were on me.

"Zara darling, do you mind telling us what you found out and what you meant?" Dad asked curious as they all sat down. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"I found a box with pictures and letters. Okay so, Jay...we're triples. Our brother, named Hakeem, died two years ago. He was in psychiatry his whole life and died because he started bleeding in his head or something."

"Oh my god." They all gasped and I took out the pictures I took with me. I gave them around and they couldn't believe it. "She lied to me, 15 years..." I said sobbing.

I hugged Mark, Stormie & Dad before they left a few hours later.

"I'm gonna miss you," I told them before Riker & Rydel drove them to the airport. "We're gonna miss you too," they replied as they drove off.

I turned around and Jay was still shocked about the news. I went to him and hugged him tightly while he hugged me back. After that we went inside and it seemed like they held distance between all of us.

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