f i f t y - n i n e // Unexpected Guests

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Zara's POV.

It's been two weeks since mine & Jay's birthday. Bryan left to go to his brother and he visits now and then. His brother changed and so did Bryan so now I really have the feeling that they love each other.

Anyway, I got closer to all of them even though Ross & I held the distance. I couldn't just pretend like nothing happened. He still didn't liked me at all but I on the other hand warmed up to him. I felt that kind off attraction towards him but let's forget about that for now.

The boys were all out to watch an ice hockey game. The one Jay got tickets for to his birthday. Rydel & I were continuing to decorate the house with christmas stuff.

"Where should I put the mistletoe?" Rydel asked me and I just pointed to the door frame from the living room. The boys will be home soon and I could see Rydel waiting under the mistletoe for Ratliff to come home.

I still don't get why he didn't proposed yet. They're a couple since good like five years or something. I'm waiting Ratliff...I'm waiting.

"We're home!"

Everyone came into the living room and passed Rydel without another word except for a 'hey' even Ratliff did making her pout. She grumbled and sat next to me on the couch. "How was the game?" I asked the boys.

"Awesome! Our team won!" Jay told me excitedly. I grinned at his excitement. "When are we flying to Colorado?" I asked everyone. "Next week. The 21st." Riker said and I nodded my head.

Suddenly the door bell rang and I went to open the door.

As I opened the door I saw a man with a boy who liked like he was around the age of five. The poor boy didn't had hands and it seemed like he had the down syndrome. "Zara?" The man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm, yea? Who are you?" I asked unsure if I know him or not. "You don't know who we are?" He asked in disbelief. "Sorry but no," I replied with a shrug. "Jay!" I called and he came in just a second. "Steven? What are you doing here?" Jay asked curiously.

"We heard about Kyra going to prison and that Zara was alive on TV so we wanted to see her. Jason misses her a lot," that guy Steven explained and I looked at the little boy.

"So your name is Jason?" I asked him as I kneeled down so I was on his eye level. He giggled and nodded. "What a pretty name," I smiled and he stretched his arms out to me. "Come in," I said to Steven and picked Jason up and placed him on my hip.

"You sure?" Steven asked unsure. "Why not? You need to explain who you are because I lost my memory," I said casually and went into living were everyone was still sitting.

I took the seat next to Rydel and tickled Jason who giggled loudly. I looked at Steven and waited for him to tell me. "I'm Steven Walker. I raised you until you were 14 years old."

Well, good to know.

"This is your half brother Jason," he said and looked at Jason who looked at me with his wide eyes. "Jay, he's our half brother," I said with a smile and blew Jason a raspberry on his cheek which made him laugh loudly.

At that short moment a few memories came flooding back into my mind.

"Why is she looking like that?" I heard Steven's voice asking. "She does that when she remembers something," Jay told him.

"You're the reason why I got to meet all the people I love," I said suddenly and gestured to the boys & Rydel. Steven smiled at me and Riker offered him a coffee which he gladly took.

Jason was so cute and I can't wait to be a mother myself. I want to get married first though.

We talked for hours and just chilled all day whilst we played with little Jason. He was a bundle of joy. "Let's play hide and seek!" Rydel said excitedly. All of us agreed and Ryland started searching first.

Jason pulled on my leg and started running. I followed him and he ran down the stairs and disappeared in the room I've never been before. Okay I was there before but not since my accident four years ago.

"Jason come out here," I whispered/yelled but he just giggled and I didn't had another chance except for going after him. I entered the room and stared at the walls. There was a picture with two people skating and 'Zara & Ross' scratched under it.

I gasped and walked closer to see a little heart next to our names. Someone scratched it into the wall with a sharp object. Suddenly the doors opened again and I spun around to face no one else then Ross.

"I-I'm sorry," I said and quickly picked Jason up to leave the room. "Wait."

I stopped in my tracks and whispered to Jason that he should hid in my room. I turned around and Ross' eyes were still on mine. "What?" I asked trying to hide my nervousness.

I waited for him to say something but he didn't. He just stared at me and I returned it. I felt to urge to just ran into his arms. So why not do so?

I ran to him, grabbed his face and placed my lips onto his.


Aww :)


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