n i n e // blushing

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Zara's POV.

Ratliff laid next to Rydel, Ross & Rocky next to me and the rest of the boys on the floor. I like having to sexy, shrirtless boys laying next to me.

I laughed at my own thoughts and they just stared at me confused. Rydel started playing the movie which was a kind of horror, romance.

Of course I got scared so I pulled the blanket almost over my head. Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked to my left and saw Ross smiling at me.

I smiled back and let go of the blanket so I could grab his hand. He intertwined our fingers and rubbed his thumb over my hand in circles.

I blushed and smiled widely.


We're on our way to the new house to paint the walls again.

We're going to paint the walls in our rooms in our favorite colors.

Riker's will be blue.
Rydel's will be pink.
Ratliff's will be light green.
Rocky's will be in a darker green.
Ryland's will be red.
Ross' will be yellow &
Mine will be pink as well.

We arrived and got out of the car and in the house.

"I'm gonna paint my room," Ratliff announced when he grabbed his paint. "I'm gonna help you," Rydel said since Riker & her already painted her room yesterday.

"I'm gonna paint mine," I said when I grabbed my paint. It was really heavy. Ross took it out of my hands and said, "I'm gonna help."

I followed him down the stairs to my room which was at the end of the hall next to Ryland's and on the opposite of Ross'.

"I have a better idea," I said when I looked at the empty room.

"Which is?" Ross asked curious. "We need more colors and just splash it at the walls," I explained with a shrug when I made my way down the halls and up the stairs.

I knew Ross is following me. We took cups and filled each of them with diffrent colors. We went back to my room and Ross asked, "how are we gonna do it?"

"Just put your hand in it and shake," I said when I did so. The pink paint splashed on the wall which looked awesome.

Ross put his fingers in the yellow paint and did the same while I did it with the blue paint. Soon, my room was really colorful and just awesome.

"I love it," I said with a sigh when I looked at the walls.

"I want my room with sentences and stuff all over!" Ross exclaimed when we walked to his room.

"You mean like 'Zara is the best' and stuff like that?" I asked chuckling. "Yea and also 'Ross is a sexy beast'," he added which made me laugh harder.

"Just feel free...we can draw stuff and write stuff just do what you feel is right," Ross said and I nodded with a smirk.

I took the paint and started drawing two people. One on a skateboard and one on rollerskates. These two are used to be Ross & I.

They hold hands and I draw their hair flying in the wind.

"That looks awesome!" Ross exclaimed when he looked at my drawing. I turned around and smiled. I looked at his drawings and he just drew guitars and music notes and stuff.


Three hours later his room was full of drawings and I've never saw an awesome room like that.

"Looks better then mine," I said with a nod. "Thank you babe," Ross said when he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

I gigged and blushed. "You're welcome," I said and turned my head to the side so I could see his beautiful hazel eyes.

He leaned down and gave a soft kiss on my lips.

"Let's go upstairs," I said when I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs. I let go of his hand when we entered Riker's room.

"It's the last room we have to paint," Ratliff announced yawning.

I giggled and helped them.

"Do you guys want to see our rooms?" I asked everyone with a grin after we finished painting Riker's room.

They all shrugged and nodded when we made our way down the stairs.

We went in mine first and they all smiled and told us that we did an awesome job.

"Now, you'll see the best room in the entire house," Ross announced which made me nod. He opened the door and they all gasped.

Ross high fived me and hugged me as well.

"It's awesome! Did you two painted all of that?" Rydel asked amazed. We nodded proudly and they continued to complimented our work.

"We're going hiking tomorrow so let's go home and go to bed," Riker said and we all left and jumped in the van.

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