n i n e t e e n // Heavy breathing

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Ross' POV.

We arrived home hours later. I was so damn tired. "guys, we'll move in two days and tomorrow we'll paint Jay's room," Riker informed us.

We all replied with a quick 'yea'. I need to talk to Zara about what happened that night a few weeks ago.

"Hey Zara, I'll sleep in Ryland's room alright?" Jay asked her even though I know that something is bothering her and she would rather talk to him about it.

I'm the last person she wants to talk to right now so I'll just go to bed.


"get in the van," Riker told me when he searched for Zara. She wasn't in her room this morning. "No, I'll help," I argued and walked into our yard.

Riker searched in the house and everyone were in the car. How can they be chilling in the car when Zara wasn't in her room? I saw a little body, curled into a ball, behind the tree. "Zara," I said when I walked to her.

She turned around and looked really pale.

"what's wrong? are you okay?" I asked kinda worried. "I don't feel good, Ross," was all she said. She was trembling. "why? what happened?" I asked trying to get more answeres.

"I can't, my hands," she said and held them up. They were shaking like crazy. "last night," she started and took some deep breaths.

"I couldn't breath," she added with tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms aorund her shoulder. "I was helpless. No one heard me...gasping for air," she told me.

"I tried to ran outside to get fresh air but I fell unconsious. I woke up this morning around 5am and sat behind the tree," she explained with a shrug. "everything's fine now," I said with a small smile. "It was horrible, Ross...my whole life flashed through my mind. I thought I would die," she explained, now crying histerical.

"I'm gonna drive with you to the hospital, who do you want to come?" I asked her. "only you," she answered me when she looked up and into my eyes.

I wiped her tears and lifted her in my arms. I made my way in the house and RIker came to us, running. "what happened?" he asked worriedly. "I'll explain later. I'll bring her to the hospital but she only wants me to come," I told him trying to calm him at the same time.

"okay, text me when you get there," he said and handed me my car keys. I nodded and we walked outside to where the cars were.

Riker unlocked the car and I placed Zara in the passanger seat. I high fived Riker as goodbye and he told me to be careful. I just nodded, got in the car and drove off.

"I felt a little dizzy yesterday and I wanted to tell Jay but he went to Ryland," Zara explained suddenly. I knew I shoud've talked to her. Damn it!

A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital and since it wasn't an emergency we had to wait in the waiting room. I texted Riker that we were in the waiting room and that they don't have to worry.

I had my arm around her all the time and soon her head was rested on my chest. I held her close since I knew that she was scared. We waited for at least two hours when Riker send me a text, telling me they would go to IKEA to buy furniture.

Good half an hour later Zara suddenly pulled away from my chest and looked pale again. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked but before she could answer she was on the floor, gasping for air. I kneeled down beside her and yelled for help.

A few doctors came running to us and did whatever they needed to do. They laid her on a stretcher and rolled her away. I followed but the doctor told me that I wasn't allowed to come.

Zara gasped louder for air and stretched her arm out for me which gave the doctor the sign that she needed me. He gave in and I took Zara's hand. My eyes didn't left hers. "shh, it will be okay, I'm here," I told her when the doctors did whatever to her.

"shhh, calm down," I whispered after one of the doctors told me to calm her down since it would've get worse if she wouldn't. I leaned down and kissed her forehead softly, hoping that it would calm her down. Surprisingly, it did.

Good 10 minutes later she could breath normal and they brought her to a room. I sat on the stool next to her bed and the doctor told us to wait for the results of the tests.

"thank...you," Zara said with a weak smile. "I'm always here for you," I said when I kissed her forehead again. "we need to talk when we get home," I told her but she didn't looked that happy about it.

"No, why?" she asked hiding the fact that she knows. "because I'm an asshole and I need to explain and apologize," I answered which made her sigh. "fine," she gave in rigth when the doctor came in with the results.


Okay I have nothing to say right now. It's 6:42am and I have school :/

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