f o r t y - n i n e // Ross...

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BTW YOU WERE ALL WRONG!!! It wasn't Chris or one of the Lynch's 😂🦄❤️

Zara's POV.

"This is Bryan," Mr. Grey introduced the new worker. "Hey, I'm Zara," I smiled sweetly at the dark brown, almost black haired guy. He was hot but he looks like he's been through a lot. "Zara?" my boss waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry," I muttered and continued to sweep the floor. "you look kinda familiar," Bryan suddenly said. "I do?" "yea, did we met before?" he asked and I almost wanted to say that I don't remember 15 years of my life but I decided against it.

"I don't think so," I mumbled and went to the cashier to check the bills. Suddenly I heard quiet some talking from Mr. Grey and Bryan. "she doesn't remember 15 years of her life," Mr. Grey casually told the new worker who I don't even trust, yet.

"Is there a chance that her name is actually Sabrina?" that Bryan guy asked. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened immediately. "yea, Zara Sabrina Walker is her full name." "Oh my gosh. I knew it was her," Bryan said which confused me. He knew me? We met each other before?

"let her some time before you break the news," Mr. Grey said and I heard some guitar strumming which meant that they stopped talking. He knows me? I've never saw that guy before. I shove those thoughts away and continued my working.

<><><> a few days later

"BRYAN!" I yelled as I was standing on a stool to put a box in the shelf. I couldn't reach it. "What's wrong?" he asked and saw me standing on the stool. "well, that looks dangerous," he added with a shitty smile. "Please just help you dumbass," I groaned and he helped me before he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.

"what the hell are you doing?" I asked as he left the store and went through the mall with me on his shoulder. "Mr. Grey said we could pick up some lunch," Bryan told me before he let me down at some chinese restaurant. We picked up some noodles and chicken before we made our way back to the store.

"what's going on over there?" Bryan asked me suddenly and pointed to a huge crowed. "I don't know, let's see," I said and dragged him to the crowed. People were hugging and taking pictures with some other people. "Who are they?" I asked and Bryan just shrugged. "That's R5!" a girl screamed in my face.

"never heard of them," I told her which made her roll her eyes. I ignored her and Bryan & I left to the music store. "What's it with all the screaming?" Mr. Grey asked us as we entered the actually big store. "just some band or something," I shrugged and handed Mr. Grey his food.

His actual name is Harold but he preferse Harry. The door from our store opened and the screaming got louder. "Oh my god," I said out loud as I saw the crowed in front of our store. "so, you're a fan?" one of the seven people who walked into the store asked with a smirk.

"never heard of whatever you are, I was looking at the huge crowed who is trying to break into the store," I snapped as Bryan & I pushed the doors close and locked them just in case. "We're looking for a new drum set, keyboard, bass & guitars," the only girl told me with a smile.

"Feel free," I said as I gestured to the whole store. The split up to each section and I continued to eat my delicious chicken. "Zara!" Mr. Grey yelled and I saw how one of the costumers head snapped up. It was some brown haired dude who looked at the drum sets.

"Could you please offer your help. You too Bryan," Mr. Grey added with a smile and went to the worker's room. I groaned quietly and went to the guy was looked kinda lost at the guitars. "Can I help you?" I asked the blonde in front of me.

"Are these all you have?" He asked me curious as he gestured to the five guitars, hanging on the wall. "No, what about these," I asked sarcastically as I pointed to the other three walls on the opposite of the store. What an Idiot.

He left and didn't said a 'thank you' or something. Impolite and annoying.

"Excuse me, Your name is Zara?" The guy whose head snapped up when he heard my name. "Yea, why?" I asked curious. I hope he doesn't know me because I don't know him and it would be awkward. "There's no chance that you're Zara Sabrina Walker, right?" He stumbled over his words as he admired me.


"Ross! What are you doing?" I heard another blonde yelling at the blonde who's plugging a guitar into boxes. Ross? ROSS!? Oh my god! Is it him?

"Ross," I whispered. "You know him?" That dude asked me. "I-I don't k-know," I stuttered as tears filled my eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ignored him and went to that guy, named Ross.

I stood in front of his and he looked me in the eyes.


He stared at me before he spoke, "what do you want?"

I sighed and walked towards him, "I want to apologize."

I took his arm and sat with him on his bed. "That night a few days ago, I dreamed that you would leave me. You said that you had another girlfriend who was gorgeous. You also said that I was to young and that you had needs and stuff which I couldn't give you. I dreamed it more then once and I just didn't wanted to be the one with the broken heart."

He looked at me for a few minutes until I said, "I'm sorry that I didn't told you earlier."

He didn't said anything. He just looked at me. I got up with a sigh and stood at his door way, as I turned around a pair of lips crashed onto mine.

I stumbled back and smiled into the kiss. He walked towards me step for step until I landed on my bed. He crawled on top of me, not breaking the kiss.

This was the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.

-End Flashback-

"Ross," I breathed out...


They met again! YaY! Oh and you remember Bryan who she met at Youth Prison?

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