f i f t y - e i g h t // Birthday

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Zara's POV.

It was November 30th. One day before my birthday and I was already in Christmas mood. I love christmas time. I get to wear ugly sweaters, listen to christmas songs and watch christmas movies.

"How long are you staying here?" I asked Bryan who was here since a week now I guess. "Only until tomorrow," he answered me. "Where will you stay then?" "Uhm, my..." Your...? "My brother lives here," he blurred out. "You have a brother?" I asked in shock. Bryan nodded his head and pulled something out of his jeans.

A picture. It was Bryan & another boy who looks older then Bryan. "I saw him the last time like ten years ago," Bryan admitted as he stared at the little picture. "Do you know where he lives?" I asked curiously.

"Yea, only five minutes from here," Bryan answered. "Why didn't you meet up with him before?" I asked him. "Long story short...my parents arranged his marriage when he turned 18. He freaked out. Landed in jail for three years and we lost contact. Now our parents live somewhere in Europe and since I'm old enough I live alone."

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. I cannot believe what I just heard. He didn't told me that before. "Not your fault. You have it worse though."

"Doesn't matter if I got it worse then you because you have feelings too," I argued still in shock. He shrugged and I pulled him in a bone crushing hug.

"Just go to sleep now, it's your birthday tomorrow," he said and I nodded as I drifted off to sleep immediately.



I jumped up and saw everyone standing in front of my bed. Even Ross stood in the back and kept staring at the wall.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled at Jay and jumped in his arms. He chuckled and we all went upstairs for cake and presents. Jay & I saw a big cake on the table with 'Happy Birthday Jay & Zara' written on it. "My babies are 20!" Rydel cried and pulled the both of us in a bone crashing hug.

Everyone hugged us and Ross just said Happy Birthday while looking at Jay. Gosh he's such an asshole.

We ate cake and after that turned the tv on to watch some tv. "We have presents!" Rydel yelled and the boys came into the room with lots of presents. Rocky handed me some and Ryland handed Jay the rest before they all took a seat on the couch with us.

"You didn't had to," I said while we unwrapped presents. I opened the box and reviled black ice skates with pink laces. "We're going ice skating today!"

I cheered and got really excited. I love ice skating. I got the usual like clothes, make up just all what a girl needs. Jay got tickets for a ice hockey game where all the boys will go to. He got also clothes and stuff girls don't need.

After we got done for the day we pilled into the car and drove to the ice rink in town. "Why did you make me wearing this dress? It's risky you know that, don't you?" I asked Rydel as I gestured to the gold dress which reached to my mid thigh. Rydel got me this dress and it's so beautiful.

"What if I fall?" I asked seriously because I wasn't that good in ice skating. "Stop worrying. I'm wearing a dress too," she said and gestured to her dress which was just simple black.

"Whatever," I waved her off as we finally arrived at the ice rink.

We walked in and Riker payed for us before we put our skates on. I struggled a little so I looked around but some of my family were already off. Of course, Ross was there. I stood up and tried 'walking' towards the entrance from the ice so I could ask someone else but before I knew it I tripped and fell on the ground with a loud thud.

"Ouch," I whined and rubbed where it hurts. Ross didn't even look at me. "You okay over there?" He asked still without really paying attention. "Just fine," I grumbled and sat on the bench.

I sighed and looked at him. "Do you mind helping me to tie my skates?" I asked unsure. He ran his hands through his golden hair and kneed in front of me to tie my skates properly.

"Thanks," I mumbled and he nodded his head. After that I quickly left and got on the ice. I skated on my own until someone grabbed my hand. I looked at the person in horror only to see my twin brother smiling at me.

"Having a great birthday?" He asked and I nodded my head, "do you?" He nodded his head as well and I stumbled but caught myself before I could fall. "Woah there, pay attention we don't want to ruin your dress, do we?" Jay chuckled and I slapped his head playfully.

I skated on my own and talked to some of my family sometimes. I watched some people kissing since mistletoes were hanging around here and there. Christmas was coming closer and closer and I was so excited for it.

"Zara! We're going home. C'mon!"

I exited the ice rink and we all took our skated off before we got in the car. I was really exhausted and rested my head on Jay's shoulder until the car came to a stop. We couldn't be home yet, could we?

I looked outside and saw that we parked in front of McDonald's. YAS!

"Chicken McNuggets menu with a Fanta and a single cheeseburger," I told the cashier who took our orders. You can't go into McDonald's without eating a burger.

"This tastes so good!" I moaned as I took a huge bite of my burger. "I love McDonald's!" Jay exclaimed and stuffed fries into is mouth.

"This was a great birthday. Thank you," I said and Jay agreed with me. "No problem," Ratliff said and everyone else nodded in agreement.


Crappy filler.

FINE if you all want me to continue SEND ME IDEAS without ideas I will stop I'm sorry okay? I love you all so so much

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