e i g h t // What does that make us?

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Zara's POV.

After I yelled at my Mom I left the house, crying. I wasn't that fast so they could easily catch up with me.

"Zara! Wait!" a guy voice yelled. I didn't stopped but a few seconds later someone held me back with his hands on my waist.

He spun me around and I saw it was Ross.

"Let me go!" I said when I tried to continue running.

"Listen, I know you're mad at your mother and I also know that what happened earlier wasn't planned and also overwhelming but you can't ran away from your problems," Ross said and yea he was right.

"My Mom isn't my Mom anymore, I don't want her in my life," I said a little mad. "It's okay that's fine," Ross said with a nod.

It was silence for a while until I spoke, "can we go to the park?"

Ross nodded and let go of me. It only took us two minutes until we arrived at the park. I took a seat on a bench and stared at sky.

"What does that make us?" I asked suddenly. "Uhm, well, I really like you," he confessed which made me look at him.

"You do?" I asked shocked.

"Yea, I tried to get your attention pretty often I even tried to impress you when we were skating," he said with a smile.

I smiled at him. That's really cute.

"So, I confessed my feelings and you're just smiling at me?" Ross asked chuckling. I giggled and nodded.

"What did you feel when you kissed me?" I asked him curious. I wanted to know if he felt the same way as I did.

"Butterflies, fireworks, the usual," he said which made both of us laugh. "What did you feel?" He asked me also curious.

"The same way as you did," I answered when I looked away from him.

I can't express my feelings to people. For example, I barely told my parents that I love them. They always told me and I just nodded and said 'yea'.

I'm just scared that loved ones would leave or hurt me like Mom did.

I felt a hand on my cheek and I looked at Ross to see him smiling. "So do you want to be my precious girlfriend?" He asked me with a grin.

"Yes," I answered with a nod. "But we won't tell," I added which made him nod.

He pulled me closer and placed a sweet, soft kiss on my lips. "We should go back home," Ross suggested and stood up.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers which made me blush.

We walked back home hand in hand and I let go when he unlocked the door. We walked into the living room to see everyone except Riker & Rydel.

"Where are Riker & Rydel?" I asked curious. "At the hospital," Rocky answered. "Why!?" Ross asked worried. "Dad, well Mark, punched Riker and his nose is broken," Ryland explained.

He didn't even wanted to say Dad anymore.

I gasped and sat on the couch.

"What happened to Mark, why is he like that?" Ross asked with a sigh. We all shrugged and I turned the TV on, breaking the silence.

I can't believe it. It's all my Mom's fault. Why would she do that?

"I'm so sorry guys," I said sadly. "Hey it's not your fault, you didn't do anything," Ratliff said when he hugged me.

I nodded and listened to what he said.

Why is everything falling apart?


"We're back!" Rydel yelled right after the front door opened. Riker came into the room with Rydel following him.

His nose was blue and violet. I jumped up and hugged him tightly.

"Don't you dare to say sorry," Riker said which made me laugh. "I'm glad you're okay," I said when I removed my arms and sat back down next to Ross & Ratliff.

"Can we watch a movie now?" Ryland asked when he came out of the kitchen with lots of candy.

"Yes!" I yelled and ran to Rydel, grabbed her arm and dragged her upstairs. "What are you doing?" She asked giggling.

"Change into Pyjama," I said when I pushed her into her room. I went to my own room and changed into my Pyjama as well.

Rydel waited for me and we walked back down to the boys who already had lots of pillows & blankets placed on the couch and floor.

I made myself comfortable on the couch with a bowl of candy.

"You okay up there?" Riker asked sarcastically since I spread out on the whole couch while Rydel was on the other couch and the boys on the floor.

"So hot," Rocky whined when he took his shirt off. I looked at his abs and my jaw dropped immediately.

"Don't stare at my brother like that," someone whispered from behind. I closed my mouth and turned around to see Ross.

He jumped on the couch and laid beside me. Of course he had to pull his shirt off as well since he prefers that I stare at him and not at his brother.

I rolled my eyes at him and he just shrugged.

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