f o r t y - t w o // 'B' like BITCH

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Zara's POV.

Three days. It's been three days since I'm here. I didn't went to art club in those three days because I just didn't felt like to draw my fucking life on a fucking paper. I went to soccer and well, we just played soccer you know.

The police man unlocked my cell door and leaded me to the field where we would play soccer. I met Bryan and went to him as I jumped on his back. We were pretty close since we met at the first day.

Well, we just play soccer together and eat together in the morning and evening but he's the only one I talk to. Our trainer blew the whistle and I was the defense together with Bryan.

There's this girl who's here since months. Nobody knew why she's here but she did something horrible. She's around 17 years old, tall and has black hair. I wasn't scared of her but most kids are.

"Yo Sabrina! Are you just standing there like a whore who's waiting for her next guy or are you actually playing!" B yelled at me. Yes, people call this monster 'B'.

"What did you just called me?" I asked as I stepped closer. I was furious. "I said you're a whore!" He spat in my voice. "Oh yea, then people probably call you 'B' because your a BITCH!" I yelled right in her face.

Before I knew it her fist collided with my face and I hit back until police man's pulled us away from each other. Her nose and lip was bleeding and I tasted some blood as well.

"Sabrina! Why?" Bryan asked frustrated. The police man's let me go and I attacked B as I pulled on her hair and hit her in the stomach. Seconds went by and I was in handcuffs.

They leaded me to my cell and an ambulance women came to clean my wounds. "You'll get a punishment Sabrina," the women said in an actually nice tone. I nodded with a shrug and my cell door got closed.


Ross' POV.

I was just laying in Zara's bed as I...as I did nothing. I stared blankly at the walls and waited for those five days to pass.

"Ross!" I heard Rydel yelling. I wrapped myself in the blanket and made my way upstairs. I looked at Rydel and waited for her to tell me what she wanted.

"You may wanna sit down," she said as she patted the space next to her. Jay was rubbing his temples and I guess he had watery eyes. "It's about Zara," Rydel said and my head shot up.

"What!?" I asked loudly. "She will be in youth prison for three days longer so she'll be back in five days from now." "WHAT? WHY?!" I asked yelling. "A girl said she was a whore. Then Zara said she's a bitch and they started fighting. I'm sorry Ross."

I laid my head on Rydel's lap and she ran her fingers through my hair. Why would she do that? Why would she risk to come home to me? Doesn't she miss me?

"I don't know why she did that. I don't know why she would risk to come home and I know that she misses you. 100%," Rydel said. I guess I asked that out loud.

Before I knew it I was fast asleep.


Zara's POV.

Depression. I told you I would have a depression. I hoped it wouldn't be a bad one but my life choose to fuck me up a bit more.

I had anger problems. I would hit everything near me every five minutes. I don't know what's happening to me but I do know that I need time alone.

The good thing is that I wasn't allowed to go to the huge dining room because they don't want to risk, me hitting people. I got my food delivered by a police women every morning, afternoon & evening.

I wasn't allowed to go to play soccer in the morning and also not to go to art club in the afternoon until tomorrow. I don't mind being in my cell all day by myself but when I got angry I needed to hit the wall which was so hard that my knuckled where bleeding.

That happened like five minutes ago so the ambulance women didn't came here yet but they already informed her.
My eye is dark blue and I have lots of blue marks and bruises on my body.

I'm gonna get out of here in two days. The weirdest thing is that I don't want to get out. I don't want to look in the eyes of my disappointed family.

They hate me! I don't need that at all. Maybe Riker even gave up custody of me and they send me to whoever is okay with living in a house with an ex prisoner.

My cell got unlocked the second I stopped thinking. "What happened to your hand?" The nice women asked me as she took out bandage and whatnot. "I hit the wall," I told her honestly.

"Again?" She asked with a sigh. I just nodded and shrugged. "Listen Zara," she started but I cut her off. "Why do you call me Zara?" I asked curious because I always introduced myself as Sabrina.

"I have your documents," she told me with a chuckle. I forced a real smile which ended up being a fake one.

"So, what I wanted to tell you is that you probably need your family to come back to normal. You have anger problems and maybe a loved one will help you to get over it. Don't shut everyone out when you get home. Open up to someone you can trust. Don't forget to listen to your heart because deep down, I know you're a good girl."

She finished bandaging my hand and left with a smile. Maybe she was right? But first I need to get out of here.

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