t h i r t y - t w o // My room is an attic?

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Zara's POV.

I hugged Ratliff, then Ryland, Rocky, Rydel, Jay & then Ross. I didn't let go of Ross, though. "You're not gonna spend Jay's & my birthday with me," I sobbed to everyone. "It's gonna be okay," Ross whispered in my ear.

"It won't," I replied.

I pulled away and Ryland came into the room. He must've left to talk to the police. "They want you to come now," he said sadly. "I'm gonna change my clothes," I said and they nodded. Riker took my luggage and they got out of the room.

Ross stayed secretly and walked to his room and gave me his favorite shirt. I put it on and he smiled at me. "You look cute," he said with a smile. "Thank you," I replied as I hugged him again.

"I love you, Zara."

"I love you too, Ross."

He leaned down and kissed my softly before we went upstairs. "Bye guys," I said as tears brimmed in my eyes again. "Bye, we love you," they said as one of the police men's took my luggage. "I love you guys, too," I said as I left to the car.

I sat in the back and they all stood outside, waving. I swear I could see them crying. The car drove off and this was it. I took my phone out and smiled at the wallpapers.

The picture were Ross & I jumped from the cliff, kissing was my home screen and my lock screen was the picture were we all jumped in the pool with all the glow sticks.

The car stopped and we were in front of a white, tiny house. I got out and my Mom was already waiting. "Honey! Zara! You're back!" She yelled and embraced me into a hug. I rolled my eyes and she leaded my inside where I saw Mark sitting on the couch.

"How is Stormie?" Mark asked curious. "Better then she was with you," I spat at him. "Be nice!" My Mom hissed from beside him. I mumbled a 'whatever' as Kyra smirked at me, "give Momma you're phone."

"No," I replied simply. "Fuck, Zara! Give me your phone!" She raised her voice sternly. She came towards me and snatched my phone out of my hands.

"I'll show you your room," Mark said emotionless. I took my luggage and followed him up the stairs. He took a ladder and climbed up. I struggled with my luggage but somehow I did it with a little help from Mark.

"My room is the attic?" I asked in a 'are-you-fucking-serious' tone. "I'm sorry," Mark apologized. "Listen, Mark, I know you don't belong here and I know that you miss Stormie and your kids so why are you still here?" I asked him serious.

"I can't go back. I cheated on the love of my life and I broke my oldest sons nose," he said with a sigh. "I know but they still love you, you're their father and husband. You need to make it up to them."

"I guess, I will. I don't tell Kyra though because I don't want to fight with her," he said and I nodded, "you're doing the right thing."

"By the way, your phone is in the drawer downstairs in the living room and Kyra is going to work in a little shop from 6am to 3pm. I'm leaving as soon as I can. I'll tell you then." "Okay, thanks."

He left and I plopped onto my bed. "God, that's so uncomfortable!" I exclaimed even when no one was in the room, except for me, myself & I.

It was around 7pm and exactly an hour ago I was one of the happiest persons. I decided to go to bed already because I'm gonna wake up tomorrow at 6. I don't want to spend time Kyra and that only happens when she's at work.

I had an alarm next to my bed and changed into my PJ. I took Ross' shirt and it smelled like him. I smiled to myself and went to bed.


I woke up and turned the alarm off. Before I even did anything else I sped off down the ladder and down the stairs to the living room. I went to the drawer and searched for my phone.

"Yes!" I exclaimed as I took it. I turned it on and saw a few messages from Rydel & the boys.

Rydel: what the hell! Why are you like that?

Jay: I wish I'd never met you!

Ross: fine, if that's what you want!

"What?" I asked myself. The whole conversations got deleted so I tried to call Ross. He didn't picked up. I tried to call Jay, then Rydel and Ratliff. Why didn't they pick up?

I called Rocky last and to my luck he picked up. "What do you want?" He hissed through the phone. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes.

"Don't play dumb! Why did you texted us those things?" I heard Rydel in the backround.

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