t w e l v e // STORMIE

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Zara's POV.

"You...what?" I asked more hurt then I thought I would be.

"I'm gonna bang her and make her pregnant," Ross said already touching her on her boobs. I didn't even noticed the tears streaming down my face.

"I'm gonna get sick," I said when I left back into my room. I took my still packed suitcase and left the hotel immediately.

The only person I need right now...and who will understand me perfectly....is...


"STORMIE!" I yelled when I saw her at the airport. Yea, I flew all the way to Colorado with the money I had left.

I called Stormie and told her that I was on my way so she offered to pick me up at the airport. I didn't told her about what happened though.

"When we arrive home you will tell me what happened alright?" Stormie asked a little worried. "Yea, alright."

I left a letter for Riker and everyone else with the words:

'I left, Z'

Soon we arrived at a big house with two cars parked in front of it. I only had one lagguage so I carried it myself.

"Oh honey, is that the precious little girl you were talking about?" An old lady asked when she came towards us.

"I'm Zara," I introduced myself to her. "Call me granny," she replied and hugged me. An older man came towards us as well and hugged me without introducing himself.

I guess this is grandpa then. "I'm grandpa, welcome to our family," he said with a grin. This really is my family now...

"I need a mother daughter talk now," I said to Stormie without even thinking what I just said. "I mean...uhm...a Stormie Zara talk," I said when I dragged Stormie to the living room.

God, I love that lady I wish she really was my Mom.

"Tell moi what happened," she said, turning the 'me' into a 'moi' which is french obviously.

"Don't yell at me okay?" I asked hoping she wouldn't freak out. She shook her head and gestured me to continue.

"I dated Ross," was all I said at first. She gasped but smiled anyways. "Well, when I called you they were on a party," I continued which made her frown.

"I didn't mind but later on I heard a knock and I saw Ross so I opened the door. He was holding hands with a gorgeous girl and I asked him what he's doing with her..." I explained but tears rolled down my cheek.

"He told me he wants to have sex with her and make her pregnant," I said sobbing. Stormie was shocked and hugged me tightly.

"You can stay here as long as you want alright? Maybe some distance is good for you," she said in my ear. I nodded and thanked her.


"Stormie! I didn't thought about school? Am I going to school?" I asked Stormie when I ran down the stairs a few minutes after we talked.

"I'm going to homeschool you," she answered me. I nodded and saw grandpa in the yard. I walked to him and sat down.

"Grandpa do you know where a park is around here?" I asked since I always went to the park in Cali when I needed to think.

"Yea, just walk down the road and then on the right side. You'll see," he answered me. "Thanks," I said and went back inside.

I told them where I was going and they were okay with it.

I took my phone and made my way to the park. It was around 1pm and I didn't slept at all but I wasn't planning on.

I finally arrived at the park and sat down on a bench, under a tree.

I should've wear a jacket because it's freezing.

I took my phone out and of course I had lots of messages from Rydel, Riker, Ross, Ryland, Ratliff & Rocky.

Rydel: Giiiirl where are you? :(

Rocky: buddy what happened?

Riker: please come back Zara! Where are you?

Ratliff: where are you at monkey? ;)

I laughed at Ratliff's message and tears streamed down my cheeks immediately.

Ryland: :( come baaack :(



Ross: Zara I'm so damn sorry

Ross: I love you

By know I cried even harder we never said/texted 'I love you' to each other but I can't forgive him.

I went to our group chat and decided to text them.

Zara: I'm fine and I'm not coming back

I got messages immediately.

Rydel: where are you?

Riker: what the hell even happened?

So Ross didn't told them?

Zara: I'm in Colorado. I just can't live with you guys, sorry!

Ratliff: What? Why?

Rydel: What did we do wrong? :(

Zara: You did nothing just give me time

Rydel: We love you so much

Zara: love ya 2

I put my phone in my pocket and stared at the swinging trees, couples kissing and kids playing. The wind hit my face and I relaxed a bit.

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