f i f t y - t w o // A Smile with Consequences

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I will change POV a few times!

Jay's POV.

I was hoping she would say yes. I was hoping she would come home with me and the rest of the gang.

I could see that she was debating with herself as she bit the inside of her cheek like she always does since I know her. She would end up bleeding and whining about the pain but I always told her that it was her own fault.

"I'm coming with you," she finally said and I couldn't stop the smile creeping in my face. "Can I...hug you?" I asked curious since I knew that she was uncomfortable and insecure. She nodded and wrapped her arms around me as I did the same.

"I can't believe I have you back," I whispered but she didn't respond to that. We pulled away a few seconds later and went inside to everyone else. "She'll come with us," I announced happily and everyone was smiling widely.

Bryan's smile faded and Zara went over to him and hugged him. They must be close friends.

"Okay, so the officers said that legally the apartment or house and the car and just everything else is yours now and you can sell stuff if you want since your mother is going to prison for a damn long time this time since she broke out of prison the last time. Anyways, we're leaving early in the morning so we better pack all of your things," Riker announced as he looked at Zara who was uncomfortably looking around, trying to avoid eye contact.

Zara's POV.

I was silently crying on Bryan's shoulder but he promised me that we will see each other again and that I didn't had to worry about anything. "I'll miss you even though I don't know you for a long time," I said with a light, almost inaudible chuckle.

"I'm gonna miss you too but I know that you'll be safe and that we'll meet up again sometimes."

And with a last hug of the guy who was a damn good friend to me I let go of him and he left.

Everyone started to leave as well and Jay placed his hand on the small of my back as he leaded me to the van where everyone was pilling in right now. He gestured me to get in but Ross was sitting there and I just shook my head, "can you?"

He smiled and nodded as he sat next to Ross and let me in after that. I didn't even bothered to look at anyone except a few glances at Jay who I felt a special connection with.

Silent. It was complete silence until we arrived at my house. I walked front and entered the house where I thought I spend my childhood. I saw the trashed lamp and shelfs along with photoshopped pictures from my mother and I.

I made my way slowly up the stairs as the memories flowed through my head not only the memories from today but also stuff I couldn't connect with my life. It was about my mother. How she beat me up.

My vision was blurry as I entered my now old room. The bloodstained floor with signs from the police to show that it was evidence. I heard gasps from behind me but I didn't bothered. All I wanted was to be alone and to never ever see this place again.

I grabbed my bag and stuffed the few clothes I had in it violently. I was screaming in my head. I wanted it to stop! "Shh, calm down Zara," I heard a gentle voice from behind me. I couldn't figure out whose voice it was as I pushed past everyone and left the house. I got into the van in the back and leaned against the window.

Soon everyone was in and then I guess, uhm, that older blondie, started the engine and drove off. I looked to my right and saw Ross with a sad look on his face. He turned his head and faced me but I quickly looked away and concentrate on the trees passing our way.

I scooted closer to the window trying not to touch him in any way. I was so stressed and so overwhelmed with my feelings that I fell asleep a few minutes later.

Ross' POV.

She scooted away from me. She didn't wanted us to touch in any way. I stared at her hands which were placed in her lap. You have no idea how badly I wanted to take her small hand in mine and how badly I wanted to pull her fragile body into my arms.

Her breathing slowed down and she was quietly snoring. I looked to my right and saw that Jay was asleep as well. We still had an hour drive to the airport and a six hours flight home. I took the chance and pulled gently on Zara's body so she was leaning against my chest. I took her hand in mine and smiled.

The biggest smile I had in a while.

"Dude what are you doing?" I heard Ryland's voice asking. "Aww, that's so cute," Rydel piped in as I looked at her I saw that she was grinning. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Don't push her into anything," these exact words came out of Rocky Mark Lynch's mouth.

"Let him be," Ratliff joined the conversation as he put his arm around Delly. All Riker did was sigh. He never approved off Zara & my relationship and I never cared about it but he still didn't come over it and neither did Jay, to be honest.

I shrugged them off and stared at her in awe until my vision got blurry and I drifted off to sleep.

Zara's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes from my short nap and the car stopped in the exact same minute. I felt warm and safe but when I could clearly figure out in which position I was, I jumped up in fear. "We're at the airport, c'mon," the driver whose name...I still don't now, shouted.

Ross woke up from me jumping away from him already but he now had a terrified look on his face as he saw me almost in tears. He opened his mouth to say something but I jumped put of the car and grabbed my back as I followed...well, I didn't followed anyone I guess.

"Zara!" Someone yelled and I was relieved that it wasn't Ross. I turned around and saw Jay jogging towards me. "I don't want to come anymore," I admitted right away as I looked for other possible places to fly to.


What's happening there? ;)

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