f i f t y - t h r e e // Denver instead of LA

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Zara's POV.

"I don't want to come anymore," I admitted right away as I looked for other possible places to fly to.

"What?! Why did you changed your mind?" Jay asked and I saw that he was tearing up a little. "It's just to uncomfortable for me and I don't feel good around those other people. You're an exception, I feel like you...you're me," I explained before he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I want to meet our dad," I blurred out without even thinking.

Jay pulled away from the hug and looked at me in disbelief. "You sure?" He asked not really believing me. I nodded and forced a little smile. "If you really want to...then we can," Jay gave in and I grinned. "I don't want them with me though," I admitted feeling linda guilty that they show me all their love and I don't even want them near me.

"I'll talk to them but maybe they come with us because their parents live right next door to our father. They moved a few houses down the road since them and our father are like best friends," Jay informed me.

I just nodded. I didn't had anything to say at the moment. "Jay! Zara! There you are!" "Uhm, Riker? We need to change plans," Jay said to...the blonde driver whose name I finally now. Riker.

Jay told Riker and everyone else what I wanted to do and surprisingly they agreed and Riker changed the tickets from LA to Denver. "Our flight is in an hour," he announced as we made our way to the security.


"How much longer?" I asked Jay as I lifted my head up from his shoulder. "A few more minutes. You can go to sleep if you want," he said with a light smile and I nodded as I drifted of to sleep.

I wasn't completely sleeping as I felt someone lifting me up and carrying me. I figured we're boarding because shortly after I got placed into a seat and someone fasted my seatbelt around my waist. "No Ross, fuck off," Jay's voice echoed.

"Please Jay, I want to apologize when she wakes up. Please let me sit next to her," Ross begged and I would've opened my eyes and curse at him but I was to tired and finally drifted off to sleep.

"Zara," someone whispered as the one shook my shoulders gently. I opened my eyes to see Jay hovering over me. "What?" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. I yawned and he told me that we landed and that our father was picking us up from the airport along with the parents of Ross and his siblings.

"I'm nervous," I admitted as we got out of the plane and waited for our luggages to come. "Don't worry, we informed them earlier so they had time to calm themselves," Jay told me with a light chuckle. I smiled and nodded as I tried to lift up my luggage but it was stuck somehow.

"Here let me help," someone said and took the luggage from me. "Thanks," I muttered, trying not to make eye contact with him. "Zara, please forgive me," he begged but I took my luggage and left. I know that was rude but what he did was just to much for me.

I followed Jay and everyone else whilst Ross followed behind me, letting me some space I guess. "KIDS!" Someone yelled as I saw three adults running towards us. I got kinda scared and hid behind Jay. The adults started hugging everyone until all eyes landed on me.

"Zara," the dark blonde man gasped as he saw me. I could see that it was my dad, I mean he had the same eyes like Jay & I and his hair was just like ours only a little darker. "Dad," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

"It's better not to hug you right? Since-"

I cut him off by hugging him as tight as I could. I only did that because I felt the connection. It's weird I know but he's my dad. All those emotions inside me made me cry. "Don't cry baby girl," my father whispered as he stroked my hair.

A few seconds later someone hugged me from behind and I looked just to be sire that it wasn't someone else then Jay. I wrapped my other arm around Jay and we had a family hug. You have no idea how happy I was at that special moment even though my memories are still gone.

A few minutes later we broke apart and I smiled lightly at the other two adults. We got to the cars and unfortunately the other car was full so I had to sit next to Rocky? And Jay. "So how are you?" Rocky asked me uncomfortably.

"Good except for the fact that I don't know anything," I answered with a shrug. "The doctor said that theirs a chance you can get your memory back," Rocky told me with a nod. "How?" I asked really wanting to remember everything.

"If we tell you everything and show you videos or pictures then maybe your brain will recover the memories," he explained to me. I just nodded as the car came to a stop.


The next day


"The Lynch's and Ratliff are coming over!" Dad yelled right as I looked through my things and realized that everything I had was either dirty or just ruined. I started crying without a reason because I couldn't go downstairs with just a towel around my body.

I slowly opened the door from my room and heard talking downstairs. They're here. I had an idea! Shit what was her name? R... I can't remember! Riley? Reagan? FUCK!

"Jay?!" I yelled hoping he wouldn't come up here. "Yea?!" He yelled back and I sighed in relief. "What's the name of the girl?" I asked embarrassed but they couldn't see me. "Rydel," he answered. "Rydel? Can you come please?" I asked and I heard footsteps coming closer to my room until I saw the blonde girl whose name Rydel is.

"I'm sorry that I forgot your name but I don't have any clothes which aren't ruined so I figured that maybe you could borrow me some of yours? You don't have to!" I quickly added the last past which made her chuckle.

"It's fine, I'll be right back," she said and left. Good five minutes later she returned with a pair of black skinny jeans and a red/white shirt. "Thank you," I said in relief and quickly dressed myself. I already blow dried my hair so I followed Rydel down the stairs to where everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Rydel," Jay & Riker said with a glare as they gestured to my shirt.


ITS MY BIRTHDAAAAAY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🍻🍻🍻🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🕯🕯🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎀🎀🎀🎁🎁🎊🎊🎊💕💕💕💝💝💝❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤓🙌🏼😅🤗🙂😱🍾 I'm 15 now YAY hehe 🎉🙂🙃😂🦄
Okay in my hometown it's 8min past midnight so it was yesterday but whatever. It was/is the 20th of November ;)

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